Drunken Bush Hurls Vile Insult At Wife
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2007-03-15 16:30:14 UTC
According to the Wayne Madsen Report (www.waynemadsenreport.com)
President Bush has been going on more and more drinking binges lately,
including one in which he made a very vile remark about his wife Laura
to reporters. Mrs. Bush reportedly is often spending nights at a
nearby hotel when he goes on these drinking binges. See
http://www.rense.com/general75/drunken.htm for the complete story also
found near the bottom of the page at the Madsen Report website for
those who think the Rense site makes this stuff up.
2007-03-15 16:43:05 UTC
Very soon to come: the First Lady files to become the First Divorcee.
She has to know that any half-competent divorce lawyer could take her
husband to the cleaners if his drunken rages have effectively forced
her to not even be able to live in the same huge building but in a
separate suite in it.

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