On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:00:01 -0700 (PDT), Ashley22
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Mar 18, 7:35 pm, "Reverend Billy Bobby" <***@limbaugh.net> wrote:
>> "Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
>> news:***@4ax.com...
>> > On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
>> > Forget whether its right or not....
>> > Just watch his Poll numbers after.
>> > Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
>> > even a little.
>> > If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
>> You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.
>I dound it to be rather demaning for the president to have to apprar
>on the tonight show to try to plead his case to the people.
He's trying to plead his case to SPECIFIC people.
Network TV Audience Has Fallen And It Can't Get Up
June 30, 2008
It's rare for TV viewers to care about demographics. But this is a
killer. A new report from research firm Magna Global shows that the
network TV audience as a whole has aged out of the demographic most
desired by advertisers. The median age of the broadcast audience is
now 50, while ad buyers want to reach viewers aged 18-49. This might
be an awesome time to sell your network stock. You can read the report
yourself by clicking to this TV By The Numbers item and downloading
the PDF.
Median age means half the audience is younger and half is older. The
half-century mark was reached because the audiences for ABC, NBC and
Fox have gotten older, while the traditionally old CBS has stayed
steady. The Magna Global study pegs CBS at 53, followed by ABC at 49
and NBC at 48, while Fox's median age is 43 and CW's is 34. The median
age for the U.S. population, by the way, is 38.
What are the oldest-skewing shows? ABC's canceled "Women's Murder
Club" came in at a median age of 57, followed closely by "Dancing With
The Stars" at 55. On CBS, the oldest show was "60 Minutes," at,
ironically enough, 60. NBC's "Monk" came in at 58. Fox's oldest was
"Canterbury's Law" at 55. CW's was the canceled "Life Is Wild" at 45.
The youngest? CW's "One Tree Hill" and "Gossip Girl" came in between
36 and 29, depending on the night. Fox's "American Dad" and "Family
Guy" at 29. For NBC, it was "Scrubs," at 34. For CBS, "How I Met Your
Mother," at 45. For ABC, "Supernanny" at 41 and "Lost" at 43.
Interestingly, time-shifted viewer (by DVR etc.) drops the median age
for some shows significantly. "Lost" drops to about 38 when the 22
percent of its audience who time-shift their viewing are considered.
Not surprisingly, Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" is the oldest-skewing
late-night program, with a median age of 54 for NBC. But Conan
O'Brien's "Late Night", who follows Leno, has the youngest audience of
the major shows, at 46.
All of this suggests that either the five broadcast networks - and
especially the big three - will become less and less attractive to
advertisers. Their saving grace, though, might be the baby boomers,
the demographic pig in the python, who are also aging.
>His plans will not work.
Which Plans? The Plan he SPEAKS about or the REAL Plan?
Porkulus was NOT about economic Stimulus.
Porkulus was (and is):
1) Urban Negro Reparations.
2) Beaner Vote Payback.
3) Socialist Redistribution of Wealth.
4) Pre-fund Criminal Beaner Free Citizenship so the impact of tens of
millions of NEW Medicaid, Food Stamp and Unemployment seekers will be
>What it will do is cost us even more than it already has.
Yep, it actually makes things worse.
>Put us ever deeper into debt which he has done a very good job of
>sseing how he now has us in the trillions an all time highWill not
>give people any jobs and will cost the middle and lower class's even
>more in tax'x than they are already paying
Buckwheat's preferred tax structure is:
Lower incomes: no taxes.
Middle incomes: 50% - 75%
Upper incomes: 75% - 90%
The State Aid portion of Porkulus does create jobs but they are mostly
ditch-digger jobs. We already know that unemployed urban negros won't
take those jobs, and unemployed middle income (white or black) can't
do those jobs. Its no coincidence that the jobs Porkulus creates are
the very jobs Beaners mostly take - low-end construction.