Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
(too old to reply)
2009-03-18 19:45:13 UTC
Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
Obama to make history with Leno as he becomes the first sitting
president to appear on chat show
By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 12:44 PM on 18th March 2009
Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to appear on a
late night chat show tomorrow when he is a guest of comedian and writer
Jay Leno.
While most of the people on The Tonight show will promote a film or
record, Mr Obama will be pushing his economic rescue plan for America.
Critics accused him of dumbing down the presidency and of blurring the
line between politics and entertainment.


2009-03-18 19:54:27 UTC
"Archangel" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
> Obama to make history with Leno as he becomes the first sitting president
> to appear on chat show
> By Mail Foreign Service
> Last updated at 12:44 PM on 18th March 2009
> Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to appear on a
> late night chat show tomorrow when he is a guest of comedian and writer
> Jay Leno.
> While most of the people on The Tonight show will promote a film or
> record, Mr Obama will be pushing his economic rescue plan for America.
> Critics accused him of dumbing down the presidency and of blurring the
> line between politics and entertainment.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1162866/Obama-make-history-Leno-sitting-president-appear-chat-show.html

I don't think it's "right" as it is disrespectful to the office of the
president of the United States.
Jeff George
2009-03-18 20:11:04 UTC
"Sam" <***@gmail.com> wrote in

> I don't think it's "right" as it is disrespectful to the office of the
> president of the United States.

How so?
JG, former Quarterback and Lt. General SWIFT (Socialist Workers
Infiltrating Federal Targets)
Paulie Walnutts
2009-03-19 18:42:22 UTC
On Mar 18, 2:54 pm, "Sam" <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Archangel" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:Nacwl.12550$***@flpi150.ffdc.sbc.com...
> > Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
> > Obama to make history with Leno as he becomes the first sitting president
> > to appear on chat show
> > By Mail Foreign Service
> > Last updated at 12:44 PM on 18th March 2009
> > Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to appear on a
> > late night chat show tomorrow when he is a guest of comedian and writer
> > Jay Leno.
> > While most of the people on The Tonight show will promote a film or
> > record, Mr Obama will be pushing his economic rescue plan for America.
> > Critics accused him of dumbing down the presidency and of blurring the
> > line between politics and entertainment.
> >http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1162866/Obama-make-...
> I don't think it's "right" as it is disrespectful to the office of the
> president of the United States.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Almost as bad as marinating seegars in a fat intern's hairy cooter
while Arafat sits patiently outside the Oval Office door!!!
2009-03-18 22:40:30 UTC
On Mar 18, 2:45 pm, Archangel <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
> Obama to make history with Leno as he becomes the first sitting
> president to appear on chat show
> By Mail Foreign Service
> Last updated at 12:44 PM on 18th March 2009
> Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to appear on a
> late night chat show tomorrow when he is a guest of comedian and writer
> Jay Leno.
> While most of the people on The Tonight show will promote a film or
> record, Mr Obama will be pushing his economic rescue plan for America.
> Critics accused him of dumbing down the presidency and of blurring the
> line between politics and entertainment.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1162866/Obama-make-...

I find it rather pathetic that the president has to go on the tonight
show to try to convince people that his so called health care and
energy bills are sound.Quite the opposite.To date he has yet to keep
one promise that he made duringh his campaign and he has managed to
put us in debt by the trillions now an all time high and there is no
relief in site.This what happens when people vote for and get a puppet
regime to run their country instead of the democratic government that
we all enjoyed
Patriot Games
2009-03-18 22:53:34 UTC
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!

Forget whether its right or not....

Just watch his Poll numbers after.

Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
even a little.

If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
Reverend Billy Bobby
2009-03-19 00:35:20 UTC
"Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
>>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> Forget whether its right or not....
> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> even a little.
> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.

You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.
2009-03-19 00:57:10 UTC
On Mar 18, 4:35 pm, "Reverend Billy Bobby" <***@limbaugh.net> wrote:
> "Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
> news:***@4ax.com...
> > On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
> >>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> > Forget whether its right or not....
> > Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> > Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> > even a little.
> > If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
> You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.

Probably not finished..
But at least so swollen with hundreds of Billions of giveaway bucks in
their bellies to keep them fat and happy for a few years.
2009-03-20 07:00:01 UTC
On Mar 18, 7:35 pm, "Reverend Billy Bobby" <***@limbaugh.net> wrote:
> "Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
> news:***@4ax.com...
> > On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> > wrote:
> >>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> > Forget whether its right or not....
> > Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> > Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> > even a little.
> > If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
> You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.

I dound it to be rather demaning for the president to have to apprar
on the tonight show to try to plead his case to the people.His plans
will not work.What it will do is cost us even more than it already
has.Put us ever deeper into debt which he has done a very good job of
sseing how he now has us in the trillions an all time highWill not
give people any jobs and will cost the middle and lower class's even
more in tax'x than they are already paying
Paulie Walnutts
2009-03-20 15:08:47 UTC
On Mar 20, 2:00 am, Ashley22 <***@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mar 18, 7:35 pm, "Reverend Billy Bobby" <***@limbaugh.net> wrote:
> > "Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
> >news:***@4ax.com...
> > > On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> > > wrote:
> > >>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> > > Forget whether its right or not....
> > > Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> > > Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> > > even a little.
> > > If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
> > You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.
> I dound it to be rather demaning for the president to have to apprar
> on the tonight show to try to plead his case to the people.His plans
> will not work.What it will do is cost us even more than it already
> has.Put us ever deeper into debt which he has done a very good job of
> sseing how he now has us in the trillions an all time highWill not
> give people any jobs and will cost the middle and lower class's even
> more in tax'x than they are already paying- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

But he did manage to insult millions of handicapped Americans. That's
what he gets for not bringing along his Magic Teleprompter. You
know,the one that mesmerizes the Obamabots.
Patriot Games
2009-03-20 16:06:59 UTC
On Fri, 20 Mar 2009 00:00:01 -0700 (PDT), Ashley22
<***@gmail.com> wrote:
>On Mar 18, 7:35 pm, "Reverend Billy Bobby" <***@limbaugh.net> wrote:
>> "Patriot Games" <***@America.Com> wrote in message
>> news:***@4ax.com...
>> > On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
>> > Forget whether its right or not....
>> > Just watch his Poll numbers after.
>> > Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
>> > even a little.
>> > If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
>> You mean the rightwing conspiracy is finished.
>I dound it to be rather demaning for the president to have to apprar
>on the tonight show to try to plead his case to the people.

He's trying to plead his case to SPECIFIC people.

Network TV Audience Has Fallen And It Can't Get Up
June 30, 2008

It's rare for TV viewers to care about demographics. But this is a
killer. A new report from research firm Magna Global shows that the
network TV audience as a whole has aged out of the demographic most
desired by advertisers. The median age of the broadcast audience is
now 50, while ad buyers want to reach viewers aged 18-49. This might
be an awesome time to sell your network stock. You can read the report
yourself by clicking to this TV By The Numbers item and downloading
the PDF.


Median age means half the audience is younger and half is older. The
half-century mark was reached because the audiences for ABC, NBC and
Fox have gotten older, while the traditionally old CBS has stayed
steady. The Magna Global study pegs CBS at 53, followed by ABC at 49
and NBC at 48, while Fox's median age is 43 and CW's is 34. The median
age for the U.S. population, by the way, is 38.

What are the oldest-skewing shows? ABC's canceled "Women's Murder
Club" came in at a median age of 57, followed closely by "Dancing With
The Stars" at 55. On CBS, the oldest show was "60 Minutes," at,
ironically enough, 60. NBC's "Monk" came in at 58. Fox's oldest was
"Canterbury's Law" at 55. CW's was the canceled "Life Is Wild" at 45.

The youngest? CW's "One Tree Hill" and "Gossip Girl" came in between
36 and 29, depending on the night. Fox's "American Dad" and "Family
Guy" at 29. For NBC, it was "Scrubs," at 34. For CBS, "How I Met Your
Mother," at 45. For ABC, "Supernanny" at 41 and "Lost" at 43.

Interestingly, time-shifted viewer (by DVR etc.) drops the median age
for some shows significantly. "Lost" drops to about 38 when the 22
percent of its audience who time-shift their viewing are considered.

Not surprisingly, Jay Leno's "Tonight Show" is the oldest-skewing
late-night program, with a median age of 54 for NBC. But Conan
O'Brien's "Late Night", who follows Leno, has the youngest audience of
the major shows, at 46.

All of this suggests that either the five broadcast networks - and
especially the big three - will become less and less attractive to
advertisers. Their saving grace, though, might be the baby boomers,
the demographic pig in the python, who are also aging.

>His plans will not work.

Which Plans? The Plan he SPEAKS about or the REAL Plan?

Porkulus was NOT about economic Stimulus.

Porkulus was (and is):

1) Urban Negro Reparations.
2) Beaner Vote Payback.
3) Socialist Redistribution of Wealth.
4) Pre-fund Criminal Beaner Free Citizenship so the impact of tens of
millions of NEW Medicaid, Food Stamp and Unemployment seekers will be

>What it will do is cost us even more than it already has.

Yep, it actually makes things worse.

>Put us ever deeper into debt which he has done a very good job of
>sseing how he now has us in the trillions an all time highWill not
>give people any jobs and will cost the middle and lower class's even
>more in tax'x than they are already paying

Buckwheat's preferred tax structure is:

Lower incomes: no taxes.
Middle incomes: 50% - 75%
Upper incomes: 75% - 90%

The State Aid portion of Porkulus does create jobs but they are mostly
ditch-digger jobs. We already know that unemployed urban negros won't
take those jobs, and unemployed middle income (white or black) can't
do those jobs. Its no coincidence that the jobs Porkulus creates are
the very jobs Beaners mostly take - low-end construction.
2009-03-19 01:16:00 UTC
On Mar 18, 2:53 pm, Patriot Games <***@America.Com> wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> Forget whether its right or not....
> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> even a little.
> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.

Yeah yeah yeah...

And just who of the rightards is going to challenge him? Blimpaugh?
2009-03-19 01:35:36 UTC
lorad wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2:53 pm, Patriot Games <***@America.Com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
>> Forget whether its right or not....
>> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
>> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
>> even a little.
>> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
> Yeah yeah yeah...
> And just who of the rightards is going to challenge him? Blimpaugh?
The way things are going, in four years Bush would be able to beat Obama.
Patriot Games
2009-03-19 18:36:44 UTC
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 18:16:00 -0700 (PDT), lorad <***@cs.com>
>On Mar 18, 2:53 pm, Patriot Games <***@America.Com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>> >Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
>> Forget whether its right or not....
>> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
>> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
>> even a little.
>> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
>Yeah yeah yeah...
>And just who of the rightards is going to challenge him? Blimpaugh?

Go bother someone else:

On Tue, 3 Mar 2009 14:27:45 -0800 (PST), lorad <***@cs.com>
>On Mar 3, 2:11 pm, Major Debacle <***@the_pentagon.mil>
>> I do.
>> I will *never* forget how the GOP wanted to undermine America's security.

"The controversy pertained to management contracts of six major United
States ports. The purchaser was DP World (DPW), a state-owned company
in the UAE. The contracts had already been foreign-owned, by
Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O), a British firm
taken over by DPW (completed in March 2006)."

>The last I heard... they *still* control port shipping.

Is it our fault you're stupid?

>They never followed through on their promise to divest themselves of

"Dubai Ports World eventually sold P&O's American operations to
American International Group's asset management division, Global
Investment Group for an undisclosed sum."

Dubai Ports World Sells U.S. Assets
AIG Unit Buys Operations That Ignited Controversy As Democrats Plan
DECEMBER 12, 2006

>It's just that the media (again) dropped coverage of the issue.

Its not my fault you're stupid.


You said: "The last I heard... they *still* control port shipping."

They NEVER controlled port shipping. They owned the management
contracts for port operations.

You said: "They never followed through on their promise to divest
themselves of control."


You said: "It's just that the media (again) dropped coverage of the

Paulie Walnutts
2009-03-19 18:45:27 UTC
On Mar 18, 5:53 pm, Patriot Games <***@America.Com> wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
> Forget whether its right or not....
> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
> even a little.
> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.

Hot news flash PG. The HNIC and Pelosi can do more damage in 2 years
than can be unfucked in 20. Did you by any chance catch Madame Botox's
speech to a roomfull of illegal mexxkins yesterday?? I was jumping up
and down throwing things at my TV !! That stupid bitch is downright
Patriot Games
2009-03-19 19:48:03 UTC
On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 11:45:27 -0700 (PDT), Paulie Walnutts
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
>On Mar 18, 5:53 pm, Patriot Games <***@America.Com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 12:45:13 -0700, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>
>> wrote:
>> >Do you think this is right? I just don't know!
>> Forget whether its right or not....
>> Just watch his Poll numbers after.
>> Conservatives have a good chance in 2010 and 2012 if his numbers drop
>> even a little.
>> If Buckwheat's number are static or go up then America is finished.
>Hot news flash PG. The HNIC and Pelosi can do more damage in 2 years
>than can be unfucked in 20.

They've already done at least one thing that is pretty much permanent:
Massively expanded SCHIP.

>Did you by any chance catch Madame Botox's
>speech to a roomfull of illegal mexxkins yesterday?? I was jumping up
>and down throwing things at my TV !! That stupid bitch is downright

I saw it. Its TREASON.

Plain and simple.

She should be dragged out to the curb and strung up from the nearest

However, once we give the Criminal Beaners free American citizenship
it can't be undone.....
Fact Attack
2009-03-19 19:50:10 UTC
nobody can ever say the presidency has been 'dumbed down' after 8
years of Bush.
Paulie Walnutts
2009-03-19 20:25:06 UTC
On Mar 19, 2:50 pm, Fact Attack <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> nobody can ever say the presidency has been 'dumbed down' after 8
> years of Bush.

But Bush,but Bush !! WTF does Bush have to do with that stupid assed
bitch Pelosi telling illegal beaners " We're not gonna enforce U.S
immigration laws"?? Then your Messiah tells the same group of mexxkins
that after they become citizens they need to join the labor
Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
2009-03-20 15:13:51 UTC
On Mar 19, 4:25 pm, Paulie Walnutts <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Mar 19, 2:50 pm, Fact Attack <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > nobody can ever say the presidency has been 'dumbed down' after 8
> > years of Bush.
> But Bush,but Bush !! WTF does Bush have to do with that stupid assed
> bitch Pelosi telling illegal beaners " We're not gonna enforce U.S
> immigration laws"?? Then your Messiah tells the same group of mexxkins
> that after they become citizens they need to join the labor
> unions !!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT??

Well, Paulie, let me lay it out for you. I'll try to use short words
and simple sentences so as not to confuse you.

Bill Clinton was President of the USofA from January 1993 until
January 2001.

George Bush was President of the USofA from January 2001 until January

During the period that Bush was president, EVERY SINGLE THING BAD THAT
HAPPENED WAS BLAMED ON BILL CLINTON -- for eight years it was
"Clinton's fault."

Now, Paulie ol' boy, it's George Bush's turn and it's George Bush's

Does not matter what the topic is, doesn't matter what we are talking
about, if it's not a good thing, it's George Bush's fault.
Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names
2009-03-19 01:02:15 UTC
On Mar 18, 3:45 pm, Archangel <***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Do you think this is right? I just don't know!!!
> Obama to make history with Leno as he becomes the first sitting
> president to appear on chat show
> By Mail Foreign Service
> Last updated at 12:44 PM on 18th March 2009
> Barack Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to appear on a
> late night chat show tomorrow when he is a guest of comedian and writer
> Jay Leno.
> While most of the people on The Tonight show will promote a film or
> record, Mr Obama will be pushing his economic rescue plan for America.
> Critics accused him of dumbing down the presidency and of blurring the
> line between politics and entertainment.
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1162866/Obama-make-...

Why don't you admit it -- what is REALLY bothering you is that Leno's
audience is number one in every key ratings category: adults, men and
women 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54, plus total viewers.

Leno kicks Limbo's butt and Obama will speak to that audience.

That's what's bugging you.
Fact Attack
2009-03-19 19:51:22 UTC
Obama could suck his thumb and poop on the floor and he could not
dumb down the office of the Presidency.
Patriot Games
2009-03-19 20:36:16 UTC
On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:51:22 -0700 (PDT), Fact Attack
<***@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Obama could suck his thumb and poop on the floor and he could not
>dumb down the office of the Presidency.

You'd clean up behind him woudn't you?

With your tongue....
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