US, Israel, Georgia Started Conflict By Invading Christian South Ossetia
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2008-08-17 21:06:24 UTC
US, Israel, Georgia Started Conflict By Invading Christian South
Ossetia. I repeat my title because I'm getting the impression that
those people relying on the mainstream news media for their news (a
big mistake) have gotten the impression that Russia just unilaterally
invaded Georgia. Not true. I got the impression from looking a little
at Fixed News (Fox News), owned by the Zionist Jewish Australian
billionaire Rupert Murdoch and the almost as bad now CNN that they are
now just outright lying about what they're passing off as news (really
now propaganda). 60% Muslim Georgia invaded 80% Christian South
Ossetia, aided by thousands of US Blackwater mercenaries and hundreds
of Israeli, Ukrainian and other mercenaries. South Ossetia and
Abkhazia had declared their independence in 1991, about the same time
as Georgia, and have both overwhelmingly voted to unite with Russia,
so really this was an attack on Russia. Russia will now probably move
to formally annex both independent states. This invasion was
completely unprovoked, so a war crime. It was about oil, because South
Ossetia owns important oil terminals. A lot of Russian soldiers
stationed in South Ossetia were murdered in this invasion. And about
2,000 South Ossetian Christians were murdered by the invading armies.
Fleeing civilians were bombed by Georgian warplanes. War crimes. So
Russia was well within it's rights to forcefully respond to these
invaders, drive them out of South Ossetia, and follow these murderers
into Georgia until they were completely routed. See http://www.rense.com/general83/ism.htm
2008-08-17 22:33:12 UTC
Here's a link to an article telling how the Zionists, who now control
not only Israel but the US, "Great" Britain, former Mossad agent cozy
with Israel Jewish French President Sarkozy, Germany, Canada, Mexico,
Poland, Ukraine, and Georgia, have been meddling for years within
Russia, trying to destabilize Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Dagestan,
Ingushetia (just north of Georgia) and Chechnya (where they were even
involved in the horrific slaughter of children in the Beslan school
tragedy): http://www.rense.com/general83/stupid.htm

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