2008-06-15 00:11:44 UTC
To hear John Sidney McCain III tell it in his ads you would think his
dad, Admiral John Sidney McCain II, was some kind of war hero, but
many think both dad and son are traitors to their country because of
their handling of the USS Liberty incident in 1967, in which US naval
personnel claimed they were deliberately attacked by Israel but
Admiral McCain and later his son both sided in with Israel against
fellow US soldiers and tried to cover up the incident in which many US
soldiers were killed and injured. See
dad, Admiral John Sidney McCain II, was some kind of war hero, but
many think both dad and son are traitors to their country because of
their handling of the USS Liberty incident in 1967, in which US naval
personnel claimed they were deliberately attacked by Israel but
Admiral McCain and later his son both sided in with Israel against
fellow US soldiers and tried to cover up the incident in which many US
soldiers were killed and injured. See