2008-10-07 04:35:06 UTC
John McCain only recently released his medical records and they show
some troubling things. McCain may have the worst and most deadly form
of skin cancer that some say will make it unlikely he will live more
than another 2-4 years. This form of skin cancer tears away at each
layer of skin, and when it gets to destroy your last layer of skin you
die. This form of skin cancer also makes the face puffy and swollen,
as we can notice in John McCain's face. McCain also has severe
arthritis for which he takes extra-strength prescription painkillers.
He can't function without those extra-strength prescription
painkillers. McCain has admitted that he suffers from the mental
illness Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his days in Vietnam.
McCain is known to also have severe anger management problems. He
admitted in his autobiography that he has several times in his life
gotten so angry he has passed out. So when is the last time he's had a
psychological examination? Fifteen years ago. He also has high
cholesterol. So if he becomes president and then dies in a year or two
Sarah Palin becomes president. She was such a bad mayor of her small
town she almost faced a recall election after her first year. She
inherited a town with a $3 million budget surplus and left it with $22
million in long term debt, and she now has less than one year of
experience as governor and is already being investigated for abuse of
power charges. She recently stated Iran shouldn't be allowed to have
nuclear power, which they already have, so she is threatening war with
that sovereign nation. And she talked about "Putin rearing his head,"
I guess meaning "rearing his ugly head" so she isn't likely to make
much of an effort to get along with maybe the world's other major
superpower that is debt free with rapidly growing military and
economic might. See
some troubling things. McCain may have the worst and most deadly form
of skin cancer that some say will make it unlikely he will live more
than another 2-4 years. This form of skin cancer tears away at each
layer of skin, and when it gets to destroy your last layer of skin you
die. This form of skin cancer also makes the face puffy and swollen,
as we can notice in John McCain's face. McCain also has severe
arthritis for which he takes extra-strength prescription painkillers.
He can't function without those extra-strength prescription
painkillers. McCain has admitted that he suffers from the mental
illness Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from his days in Vietnam.
McCain is known to also have severe anger management problems. He
admitted in his autobiography that he has several times in his life
gotten so angry he has passed out. So when is the last time he's had a
psychological examination? Fifteen years ago. He also has high
cholesterol. So if he becomes president and then dies in a year or two
Sarah Palin becomes president. She was such a bad mayor of her small
town she almost faced a recall election after her first year. She
inherited a town with a $3 million budget surplus and left it with $22
million in long term debt, and she now has less than one year of
experience as governor and is already being investigated for abuse of
power charges. She recently stated Iran shouldn't be allowed to have
nuclear power, which they already have, so she is threatening war with
that sovereign nation. And she talked about "Putin rearing his head,"
I guess meaning "rearing his ugly head" so she isn't likely to make
much of an effort to get along with maybe the world's other major
superpower that is debt free with rapidly growing military and
economic might. See