Ivan Shmakov
2013-02-22 19:44:11 UTC
[Cross-posting to news:news.misc and setting Followup-To: there
and to news:comp.os.linux.advocacy, while dropping most of
news:alt.os.linux.*, for the discussion at hand is hardly
relevant to any of them.]
patch approved by Linus and use an unapproved one instead, as
well as to share the so changed kernel with every single
interested user on the planet.
wasting your time doing such senseless (or, to put it
differently: stupid) things, as:
• cross-posting to a variety of distribution-specific
newsgroups, without even mentioning but one of the respective
distributions in the message itself;
• trying to provoke software bugs by introducing nonsensical
U+FEFF's; (BOM's within an octet sequence? seriously?);
• abusing Unicode characters for their appearance in a
particular font (which all the netnews readers will instantly
switch to, right?), instead of their meaning (double U+FF1C
for "wide left-pointing double angle quotation mark", and
similarly for double U+FF1E; U+22C5 DOT OPERATOR outside of
math formulae, as a "nice" substitute for U+00B7; etc.)
Why, shouldn't you try to begin substituting Cyrillic letters
for the similarly-looking Latin ones in your messages for a
See, I began coding a decade later than you. Now, I hope for a
successful $20000 per person project within the next five years.
(Price's cut for the project will certainly be a free software
one.) Now, shouldn't you be doing something more impressive
than playing a sandbox battle with the fellow Usenetters?
and to news:comp.os.linux.advocacy, while dropping most of
news:alt.os.linux.*, for the discussion at hand is hardly
relevant to any of them.]
The Linux kernel is run by king Linus, a total tyrant. My hero.
And it's still possible for the “end user” to revert whateverpatch approved by Linus and use an unapproved one instead, as
well as to share the so changed kernel with every single
interested user on the planet.
I've been coding DOS boxen since 1983, Windows since 1989.
[…]I write simulations/games for the ABA ( a.k.a. "The Bankers",
http://www.aba.com/Pages/default.aspx ]
« Jeff Relf was the programmer for the project and contributed to the
design of administrative processes. » — BankExec™ 2009 Decision
Manual, Copyright © 2011 (PDF) [
http://bankexec.swgsb.org/manual/BXD_Decision_Manual.pdf ]
Thousands of "graduate·students/executives", both here and abroad,
have run "my" code ( I'm a "code monkey", not a banker ).
… And it's a shame that with all this experience, you keephttp://www.aba.com/Pages/default.aspx ]
« Jeff Relf was the programmer for the project and contributed to the
design of administrative processes. » — BankExec™ 2009 Decision
Manual, Copyright © 2011 (PDF) [
http://bankexec.swgsb.org/manual/BXD_Decision_Manual.pdf ]
Thousands of "graduate·students/executives", both here and abroad,
have run "my" code ( I'm a "code monkey", not a banker ).
wasting your time doing such senseless (or, to put it
differently: stupid) things, as:
• cross-posting to a variety of distribution-specific
newsgroups, without even mentioning but one of the respective
distributions in the message itself;
• trying to provoke software bugs by introducing nonsensical
U+FEFF's; (BOM's within an octet sequence? seriously?);
• abusing Unicode characters for their appearance in a
particular font (which all the netnews readers will instantly
switch to, right?), instead of their meaning (double U+FF1C
for "wide left-pointing double angle quotation mark", and
similarly for double U+FF1E; U+22C5 DOT OPERATOR outside of
math formulae, as a "nice" substitute for U+00B7; etc.)
Why, shouldn't you try to begin substituting Cyrillic letters
for the similarly-looking Latin ones in your messages for a
See, I began coding a decade later than you. Now, I hope for a
successful $20000 per person project within the next five years.
(Price's cut for the project will certainly be a free software
one.) Now, shouldn't you be doing something more impressive
than playing a sandbox battle with the fellow Usenetters?
FSF associate member #7257 http://freecode.com/~1gray/
FSF associate member #7257 http://freecode.com/~1gray/