2009-02-25 22:18:16 UTC
OBAMA: "Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5
million jobs."
THE FACTS: This is a recurrent Obama formulation. But job creation
projections are uncertain even in stable times, and some of the
economists relied on by Obama in making his forecast acknowledge a great
deal of uncertainty in their numbers.
The president's own economists, in a report prepared last month, stated,
"It should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this
memo are subject to significant margins of error."
Beyond that, it's unlikely the nation will ever know how many jobs are
saved as a result of the stimulus. While it's clear when jobs are
abolished, there's no economic gauge that tracks job preservation. The
estimates are based on economic assumptions of how many jobs would be
lost without the stimulus.
Lies you can believe in.
million jobs."
THE FACTS: This is a recurrent Obama formulation. But job creation
projections are uncertain even in stable times, and some of the
economists relied on by Obama in making his forecast acknowledge a great
deal of uncertainty in their numbers.
The president's own economists, in a report prepared last month, stated,
"It should be understood that all of the estimates presented in this
memo are subject to significant margins of error."
Beyond that, it's unlikely the nation will ever know how many jobs are
saved as a result of the stimulus. While it's clear when jobs are
abolished, there's no economic gauge that tracks job preservation. The
estimates are based on economic assumptions of how many jobs would be
lost without the stimulus.
Lies you can believe in.