GOP to Fight Card Check
(too old to reply)
2009-02-26 23:47:38 UTC
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten

Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
“We think it’s an issue where the American people are completely on our
side,” Republican Study Committee spokesman Brendan Buck tells Newsmax.
“So we want to be sure we’re out there letting them know that [card
check] would strip away their rights in the workplace.”
Card check, euphemistically called the Employee Free Choice Act, is a
Democratic proposal that would have workers sign cards indicating
whether they want a union. The cards would be public documents, thereby
eliminating the current system by which workers vote confidentially.
Public figures ranging from former Democratic presidential candidate
George McGovern to former Bush Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao have
slammed card check as undemocratic and dangerous.
Once workers’ votes on unionization become public, they warn, employees
could be exposed to intimidation by union toughs.
“The secret ballot is a pillar of American democracy,” Rep. Tom Price,
R-Ga., said Wednesday. Price, the chairman of the Republican Study
Committee, said Democrats want card check to “advance a political agenda.”
Union members vote disproportionately Democratic. Card check is highly
coveted by organized labor because it is expected to swell the ranks of
The Republican bill, called the Secret Ballot Protection Act, would
prevent the recognition of any union formed via an open, public ballot.
Senators Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., also attended the
news conference announcing the GOP legislation. Those senators
introduced companion legislation in the Senate.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has said he expects Senate
Democrats to make another big push for card-check this summer. In the
last session of Congress, card check sailed through the House by a 241
to 185 margin.
Senate Democrats, however, could only get 51 of the 60 votes they needed
to cut off debate on the measure, effectively killing it for the 110th
With the election of President Obama and the growing strength of
Democrats in the Senate, union leaders believe a victory on card check
now could be within reach.
Several moderate Democrats have expressed concerns about open-vote union
balloting. AFL-CIO leaders, however, say they aren’t worried that the
Democratic legislation has taken a back burner to debate over the
nation’s economy.
Obama was a strong card-check proponent during the campaign. The
BarackObama.com Web site states: “Obama cosponsored and is strong
advocate for the Employee Free Choice Act, a bipartisan effort to assure
that workers can exercise their right to organize. He will continue to
fight for EFCA's passage and sign it into law.”
Now he appears to be moving toward the center on the issue, however.
In January, he reportedly told the Washington Post: “I will listen to
[the] parties involved and see if there are ways we can bring those
parties together and restore some balance.”

Change you can believe in.
Mitchell Holman
2009-02-27 03:38:49 UTC
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?

Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
Jerry Okamura
2009-02-27 21:14:31 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly "card check" legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers' rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
It is not a question of how someone should conduct their elections, it is a
question of whether the elections can be as fair as possible, without either
the Union or the Business knowing who is voting for or against the desire to
form a union. Would you be in favor of everyone knowing how you or I, or
anyone else voted when we go into the polling booth?
Post by Mitchell Holman
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
No, no one other than those who ae part of the Eagle Forum should decide who
should be their leader, and the same principal applies, they should be able
to make that "choice" without anyone else knowing what their choice is.
2009-03-02 05:05:06 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.

Mitchell Holman
2009-03-03 13:46:35 UTC
Post by Archangel
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.
Private groups can conduct their own elections
according to their own rules.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2009-03-03 14:56:59 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.
Private groups can conduct their own elections
according to their own rules.
Are Unions Private?????
2009-03-05 06:31:30 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.
Private groups can conduct their own elections
according to their own rules.
There's too many things that can happen when unions make the rules for not-yet union
members. Say someone voted against the union but the majority passed it.....I doubt
the anti-voter would be made to feel very comfortable on the job and, for that matter
would have a job for very long, even if after the shop became union he had to become
a member. I'm sure the purpose behind trying to do away with the secret ballot is to
discourage any no votes. Isn't a secret ballot just legal strong arm tactics?....AAC
2009-03-03 22:20:58 UTC
Post by Archangel
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.
Me too. When secret ballots are removed from any elections in the U.S., that is just
chipping away at the Constitution. Someone asks, "Where do Republicans get off
telling unions how to conduct union elections?" I ask, where does anybody get the
right to tell people they cannot vote in secret?

Of course, people have the right to join unions. But should they not care to, they
also have the right to keep that fact to themselves.

I don't believe that anybody who backs taking the privilege of voting in secret away
is a good American. That goes from the president of the country on down to the
lowest man on the totem pole....AAC

This administration is very systematically dishonest....Newt Gingrich
2009-03-04 14:05:52 UTC
Post by AnAmericanCitizen
Post by Archangel
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly "card check" legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers' rights to vote on union representation in private.
Where do Republicans get off telling unions how
to conduct union elections?
Will Democrats get a chance to tell the Eagle
Forum how to choose THEIR leadership?
I take it you are against secret ballots. In which case I have to ask
why??? I think it is one of the reasons our republic works.
Me too. When secret ballots are removed from any elections in the U.S., that is just
chipping away at the Constitution. Someone asks, "Where do Republicans get off
telling unions how to conduct union elections?" I ask, where does anybody get the
right to tell people they cannot vote in secret?
Of course, people have the right to join unions. But should they not care to, they
also have the right to keep that fact to themselves.
I don't believe that anybody who backs taking the privilege of voting in secret away
is a good American. That goes from the president of the country on down to the
lowest man on the totem pole....AAC
This administration is very systematically dishonest....Newt Gingrich
Never forget, Obamanation = Socialist Dystopia.

I fight for my republic

2009-03-03 22:31:17 UTC
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
So what else is new?
If there's *anything* that the republicons can do to shaft american
workers.. while stuffing money into their business buddies pockets..
they will do it.
2009-03-04 14:06:23 UTC
Post by Archangel
GOP to Fight Card Check, Support Secret Ballots
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:42 PM
By: David A. Patten
Republicans moved aggressively on Wednesday to seize the initiative in
the upcoming fight over union-friendly “card check” legislation,
simultaneously introducing bills in both the House and Senate that would
protect workers’ rights to vote on union representation in private.
So what else is new?
If there's *anything* that the republicons can do to shaft american
workers.. while stuffing money into their business buddies pockets..
they will do it.
Never forget, Obamanation = Socialist Dystopia.

I fight for my republic
