2007-06-23 19:53:29 UTC
A lot of jokes have been made that Barbara Bush looks something like a
man, but does she look specifically like the man Aleister Crowley,
33rd degree Mason, heroin addict, bisexual playboy, whose mother
nicknamed him the Great Beast 666, who believed he was the antimessiah
of the apocalypse, whom the American press labelled "the wickedest man
in the world," who was expelled from Italy because his followers were
accused of sacrificing human infants in occult rituals, and who began
torturing and killing animals at age 12? Could Barbara's mother have
had an affair with the playboy Crowley on a 1920s trip to France? And
Barbara is the mother of George W. Bush, who later became President of
the United States and the most powerful man on earth. This is starting
to sound a lot like the "Rosemary's Baby" movie. See
man, but does she look specifically like the man Aleister Crowley,
33rd degree Mason, heroin addict, bisexual playboy, whose mother
nicknamed him the Great Beast 666, who believed he was the antimessiah
of the apocalypse, whom the American press labelled "the wickedest man
in the world," who was expelled from Italy because his followers were
accused of sacrificing human infants in occult rituals, and who began
torturing and killing animals at age 12? Could Barbara's mother have
had an affair with the playboy Crowley on a 1920s trip to France? And
Barbara is the mother of George W. Bush, who later became President of
the United States and the most powerful man on earth. This is starting
to sound a lot like the "Rosemary's Baby" movie. See