2006-11-25 16:56:45 UTC
There's a lot of questions about the whole Hurricane Katrina episode.
Hurricane Katrina didn't directly hit New Orleans. It did, however,
raise the water level in Lake Pontchartrain three feet. $62 million had
been needed to fix the minor problems with the levees, but Bush had
only approved $10 million. But did the levees go out accidentally or
deliberately? Residents heard explosions at the time the levees went
out, and it's known explosives experts were in the city at the time.
Strangely, the levees blew out in such a way that they flooded just the
predominantly black ghettos of the city. Then, of course, we know the
Bush government did nothing to provide emergency food and water to the
black residents for as many as six days, causing the deaths of many.
Then the surviving blacks were herded into concentration camps and from
there to out-of-state areas like Houston, Texas. So what's happening
now? The once flooded land is being bought for pennies on the dollar by
real estate developers who are planning on turning this area into a new
Las Vegas. See
Hurricane Katrina didn't directly hit New Orleans. It did, however,
raise the water level in Lake Pontchartrain three feet. $62 million had
been needed to fix the minor problems with the levees, but Bush had
only approved $10 million. But did the levees go out accidentally or
deliberately? Residents heard explosions at the time the levees went
out, and it's known explosives experts were in the city at the time.
Strangely, the levees blew out in such a way that they flooded just the
predominantly black ghettos of the city. Then, of course, we know the
Bush government did nothing to provide emergency food and water to the
black residents for as many as six days, causing the deaths of many.
Then the surviving blacks were herded into concentration camps and from
there to out-of-state areas like Houston, Texas. So what's happening
now? The once flooded land is being bought for pennies on the dollar by
real estate developers who are planning on turning this area into a new
Las Vegas. See