Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
(too old to reply)
2009-03-08 00:56:49 UTC
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM

A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.


2009-03-08 01:08:17 UTC
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
i guess they think he's not dying. just like they believe obama will
bring change.
2009-03-08 01:12:15 UTC
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting to Rush's outrageous comments, the Democrats seem to
be playing this fairly well. Rush senses that he's losing the argument
and he needs to become ever more outrageous in order to draw an
audience. The cruder and coarser he becomes, the more decent Americans
will see him for the bully he is and shun him.
Harold Burton
2009-03-08 03:19:50 UTC
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting? Snicker.
2009-03-08 03:33:10 UTC
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting?  Snicker.
Rush happens to be playing the Dems like a fiddle. They are utterly
obsessed with him. Sure he's obnoxious and incendiary. But the Dem's
Pavlovian responses every time Rush lays the dog food out just shows
how panicky they are for a scapegoat as they are now in process of
taking full ownership of the untrammeled Dem Federal government

and why should it be prohibited to refer to the obvious: that Ted
Kennedy is on his last legs. If he would die while the health care
bill is still getting hashed out, based on his long history of
interest in health care issues, the bill might have very well gotten
his name; except now they can't do it because the Rushbo laid out the
taunting bait and the Dem's went for it hook line and sinker.
2009-03-08 03:42:27 UTC
Post by CliffB
Post by Harold Burton
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting? Snicker.
Rush happens to be playing the Dems like a fiddle. They are utterly
obsessed with him. Sure he's obnoxious and incendiary. But the Dem's
Pavlovian responses every time Rush lays the dog food out just shows
how panicky they are for a scapegoat as they are now in process of
taking full ownership of the untrammeled Dem Federal government
and why should it be prohibited to refer to the obvious: that Ted
Kennedy is on his last legs. If he would die while the health care
bill is still getting hashed out, based on his long history of
interest in health care issues, the bill might have very well gotten
his name; except now they can't do it because the Rushbo laid out the
taunting bait and the Dem's went for it hook line and sinker.
Bandied leg chimp loader.
2009-03-08 05:17:41 UTC
Post by CliffB
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting?  Snicker.
Rush happens to be playing the Dems like a fiddle. They are utterly
obsessed with him. Sure he's obnoxious and incendiary. But the Dem's
Pavlovian responses every time Rush lays the dog food out just shows
how panicky they are for a scapegoat as they are now in process of
taking full ownership of the untrammeled Dem Federal government
and why should it be prohibited to refer to the obvious: that Ted
Kennedy is on his last legs. If he would die while the health care
bill is still getting hashed out, based on his long history of
interest in health care issues, the bill might have very well gotten
his name; except now they can't do it because the Rushbo laid out the
taunting bait and the Dem's went for it hook line and sinker.
It would seem that Limbaugh and the Republican elite are the ones
being played. The more savvy Republican elite know that having
Limbaugh in the forefront as a spokesman for their party is terrible
for their party. Read David Frum's article http://www.newsweek.com/id/188279

As Frum admits in his column, he is a hard core conservative
Republican who doesn't want Limbaugh being the face of the Republican
Harold Burton
2009-03-08 15:09:06 UTC
In article
Post by CliffB
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting?  Snicker.
Rush happens to be playing the Dems like a fiddle. They are utterly
obsessed with him. Sure he's obnoxious and incendiary. But the Dem's
Pavlovian responses every time Rush lays the dog food out just shows
how panicky they are for a scapegoat as they are now in process of
taking full ownership of the untrammeled Dem Federal government

What¹s Barack Obama¹s Rush to make new enemies?
By Howie Carr
Friday, March 6, 2009

Barack Obama¹s administration has uncovered a new Public Enemy No. 1.

Forget Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Obama and the pampered poodles on
his staff are going after the real Mr. Big - Rush Limbaugh and his
Excellence in Broadcasting network.

Does something seem a little . . . off, shall we say, about the
moonbats¹ newly rediscovered obsession with El Rushbo? From the War on
Terror to the War on Talk Radio.

Obama¹s been in office less than two months and he¹s already got an
enemies¹ list. Whatever happened to the old saying, ³Every knock a
boost²? James Michael Curley used to say, ³Never complain, never

What he meant was, anytime you respond to somebody, you elevate him to
your level. Hell, no smart public figure ever admits he has a problem,
even if he¹s ambushed leaving the courthouse by camera crews demanding

Remember last fall, when indicted Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner
stumbled out of his house in Roxbury at dawn with his zipper down?
Hardly anyone even knew about Chuck¹s sartorial faux pas until he
launched into a diatribe on live TV against Ch. 25 for mentioning it.

What happened? Within five minutes, everyone listening to his speech had
clicked onto Ch. 25¹s Web site to check out the hilarious video for
themselves. Within 10 minutes, Councilor Turner had a new nickname -

These limousine liberals have revitalized Rush. Suddenly he¹s back to
where he was in 1995, back when he had a TV show and best-selling books.
I couldn¹t be more pleased, because I have a vested interest in Rush
Limbaugh¹s success: He¹s my lead-in. If Obama¹s jihad means a lot of new
listeners are ³sampling² him (and it does), at least some of them may
stick around at 3:06 when I come on.

Until two weeks ago, Rush was still on top, but he wasn¹t as on top as
he used to be, if you know what I mean. Too many afternoons he¹d end up
babbling about his private jet, or meander on and on about the
Pittsburgh Steelers or George Brett.

No wonder Rush¹s favorability rating among those under 40 had slid to 11
percent. Everything about him screamed ³RICH OLD FART.² He still had his
600 stations, but he was slowly fading into a $30-million-a-year

Now he¹s back. He¹s No. 1 on the new White House Enemies List.

How long did it take Nixon to come up with his enemies¹ list? At least
three or four years. This Barack guy, he moves fast.
2009-03-10 22:54:10 UTC
Post by Harold Burton
In article
Post by CliffB
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting?  Snicker.
Rush happens to be playing the Dems like a fiddle. They are utterly
obsessed with him. Sure he's obnoxious and incendiary. But the Dem's
Pavlovian responses every time Rush lays the dog food out just shows
how panicky they are for a scapegoat as they are now in process of
taking full ownership of the untrammeled Dem Federal government
What¹s Barack Obama¹s Rush to make new enemies?
By Howie Carr
Friday, March 6, 2009
Barack Obama¹s administration has uncovered a new Public Enemy No. 1.
Forget Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Obama and the pampered poodles on
his staff are going after the real Mr. Big - Rush Limbaugh and his
Excellence in Broadcasting network.
Does something seem a little . . . off, shall we say, about the
moonbats¹ newly rediscovered obsession with El Rushbo? From the War on
Terror to the War on Talk Radio.
Obama¹s been in office less than two months and he¹s already got an
enemies¹ list. Whatever happened to the old saying, ³Every knock a
boost²? James Michael Curley used to say, ³Never complain, never
What he meant was, anytime you respond to somebody, you elevate him to
your level. Hell, no smart public figure ever admits he has a problem,
even if he¹s ambushed leaving the courthouse by camera crews demanding
Remember last fall, when indicted Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner
stumbled out of his house in Roxbury at dawn with his zipper down?
Hardly anyone even knew about Chuck¹s sartorial faux pas until he
launched into a diatribe on live TV against Ch. 25 for mentioning it.
What happened? Within five minutes, everyone listening to his speech had
clicked onto Ch. 25¹s Web site to check out the hilarious video for
themselves. Within 10 minutes, Councilor Turner had a new nickname -
These limousine liberals have revitalized Rush. Suddenly he¹s back to
where he was in 1995, back when he had a TV show and best-selling books.
I couldn¹t be more pleased, because I have a vested interest in Rush
Limbaugh¹s success: He¹s my lead-in. If Obama¹s jihad means a lot of new
listeners are ³sampling² him (and it does), at least some of them may
stick around at 3:06 when I come on.
Until two weeks ago, Rush was still on top, but he wasn¹t as on top as
he used to be, if you know what I mean. Too many afternoons he¹d end up
babbling about his private jet, or meander on and on about the
Pittsburgh Steelers or George Brett.
What's George Brett up to these days? He was always one of my favorites....AAC
Post by Harold Burton
No wonder Rush¹s favorability rating among those under 40 had slid to 11
percent. Everything about him screamed ³RICH OLD FART.² He still had his
600 stations, but he was slowly fading into a $30-million-a-year
Now he¹s back. He¹s No. 1 on the new White House Enemies List.
How long did it take Nixon to come up with his enemies¹ list? At least
three or four years. This Barack guy, he moves fast.
Remember how insecure Richard Nixon was?.....AAC

If you think health care is expensive now,
wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
-P.J. O'Rourke

2009-03-08 04:08:37 UTC
Post by Harold Burton
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting? Snicker.
Overreacting is what clowns like Gingrey and Steele did when they
slithered up to the fat man and kissed his ass. Pucker up boys, and
watch that cyst!

But good for you to stand up for your leader like that.
Harold Burton
2009-03-08 15:11:47 UTC
Post by Harold Burton
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
By not overreacting....
Hahahahah. not overreacting? Snicker.
Overreacting is what clowns like Gingrey and Steele did...


What¹s Barack Obama¹s Rush to make new enemies?
By Howie Carr
Friday, March 6, 2009

Barack Obama¹s administration has uncovered a new Public Enemy No. 1.

Forget Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. Obama and the pampered poodles on
his staff are going after the real Mr. Big - Rush Limbaugh and his
Excellence in Broadcasting network.

Does something seem a little . . . off, shall we say, about the
moonbats¹ newly rediscovered obsession with El Rushbo? From the War on
Terror to the War on Talk Radio.

Obama¹s been in office less than two months and he¹s already got an
enemies¹ list. Whatever happened to the old saying, ³Every knock a
boost²? James Michael Curley used to say, ³Never complain, never

What he meant was, anytime you respond to somebody, you elevate him to
your level. Hell, no smart public figure ever admits he has a problem,
even if he¹s ambushed leaving the courthouse by camera crews demanding

Remember last fall, when indicted Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner
stumbled out of his house in Roxbury at dawn with his zipper down?
Hardly anyone even knew about Chuck¹s sartorial faux pas until he
launched into a diatribe on live TV against Ch. 25 for mentioning it.

What happened? Within five minutes, everyone listening to his speech had
clicked onto Ch. 25¹s Web site to check out the hilarious video for
themselves. Within 10 minutes, Councilor Turner had a new nickname -

These limousine liberals have revitalized Rush. Suddenly he¹s back to
where he was in 1995, back when he had a TV show and best-selling books.
I couldn¹t be more pleased, because I have a vested interest in Rush
Limbaugh¹s success: He¹s my lead-in. If Obama¹s jihad means a lot of new
listeners are ³sampling² him (and it does), at least some of them may
stick around at 3:06 when I come on.

Until two weeks ago, Rush was still on top, but he wasn¹t as on top as
he used to be, if you know what I mean. Too many afternoons he¹d end up
babbling about his private jet, or meander on and on about the
Pittsburgh Steelers or George Brett.

No wonder Rush¹s favorability rating among those under 40 had slid to 11
percent. Everything about him screamed ³RICH OLD FART.² He still had his
600 stations, but he was slowly fading into a $30-million-a-year

Now he¹s back. He¹s No. 1 on the new White House Enemies List.

How long did it take Nixon to come up with his enemies¹ list? At least
three or four years. This Barack guy, he moves fast.

Harold Burton
2009-03-08 03:19:02 UTC
Post by Archangel
Dems Angry with Rush Over Kennedy Comment
Friday, March 6, 2009 5:33 PM
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
What a bunch of whiners.

Patriot Games
2009-03-08 15:35:51 UTC
On Sat, 07 Mar 2009 16:56:49 -0800, Archangel <***@yahoo.com>

Is nearly-dead Ted dead yet?
2009-03-10 22:47:15 UTC
You Democrats are just looking for something to bitch about, particularly if you can
throw Rush Limbaugh into the fray.

What's the matter with you people? Why wouldn't Teddy Kennedy be extremely happy to
have a health care bill carry his name?

And yes, Teddy Kennedy could be called a "liberal lion." Would you all prefer he be
called a conservative lion?....AAC
Post by Archangel
A Democratic official rebuked conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on
Friday for suggesting a health care proposal will be named in memory of
Sen. Edward Kennedy, who is battling brain cancer.
On his radio show, Limbaugh said President Barack Obama's proposed
health care revisions will be championed by "the liberal lion Teddy
"Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy Memorial Health
Care bill," Limbaugh said.
Brian Wolff, executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee, called the remark outrageous and reprehensible.
Limbaugh has been at the center of a partisan dispute since telling a
conservative group last month that he hoped Obama's economic policies
would fail. Democrats have accused Republicans of letting Limbaugh be
their de facto leader, which GOP officials deny.
Limbaugh did not respond immediately to a request for comment that was
sent to the e-mail address provided on his Web site.
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