The Democrats new promise
(too old to reply)
2007-02-10 20:32:22 UTC
The Democrats new promise: "A New Direction For
America "

The stock market is at a new all-time high and America
's 401K's are back.
A new direction from there means, what?

Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?

Oil prices are plummeting.
A new direction from there means, what?

Taxes are at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?

Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
A new direction from there means, what?

The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as
predicted over last year.
A new direction from there means. what?

Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
A new direction from there means, what?

Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?

Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since
A new direction from there means, what?

Saddam Hussein is dead
A new direction from there means, what?

Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave,
having not surfaced
in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al
Queda's top dogs are either dead
or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
A new direction from there means, what?

Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US
and British Intel,
including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo
Jets being exploded
in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate
the anniversary of the
9/11/01 attacks.

A new direction from there means, what?

Just as President Bush foretold us on a number of
occasions, Iraq was to be
made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and
just as President Bush
said they would, terrorist cells from all over the
region are arriving from the
shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq
in order to get their faces
blown off by US Marines rather than boarding planes
and heading to the United States to wage war on us

A new direction from there means, what?

Now let me see, do I have this right? I can expect:

The economy to go South

Illegals to go North

Taxes to go Up

Employment to go Down

Terrorism to come In

Tax breaks to go Out

Social Security to go Away

Health Care to go the same way gas prices have gone

But what the heck!

I can gain comfort by knowing that Nancy P, Hillory C,
John K, Edward K,

Howard D, Harry R and Obama have worked hard to create
a comprehensive

National Security Plan, Health Care Plan, Immigration
Reform Plan, Gay Rights Plan,

Same Sex Marriage Plan, Abortion On Demand Plan,
Tolerance of Everyone and

Everything Plan, How to Return all Troops to the U.S.
in The Next Six Months Plan,

A Get Tough Plan, adapted from the French Plan by the
same name and a How

Everyone Can Become as Wealthy as We Are Plan.

I forgot the No More Katrina Storm Plan.

Now I know why I feel good after the elections. I am
going to be able to sleep

so much better at nights knowing these dedicated
politicians are thinking of me and my welfare.

Please pass this good news along to all of your
friends so they can feel better as well .
Jerry Kraus
2007-02-10 21:29:21 UTC
Gee, maybe they're talking about a new direction for America because
the Republicans got totally turfed out of Congress last November and
because the President's popularity is as low as any in history. Any
chance that might have something to do with it? Naaaaaaaaaaah!!
2007-02-10 21:47:25 UTC
I don't have a lot of faith in the Democrats. I'm not registered as
Democrat and I think the party is almost hopelessly corrupt. But not
NEARLY as corrupt as the GOP.

You quote a lot of 'good news' from Republican propagandists. Most of
it is hogwash. How credulous do you have to be to be a good, faithful
Republican these days? Do you just swallow unquestioning everything
they tell you?

The market may be up (for now) but its easy to get a temporary rise in
the stock markets with massive deficit spending. Most small
investors I know have taken their sheckels off the table because they
see what sucker's game it is. Insider trading is rampant, big
brokerage houses have been shown to lie and cheat, advantages are
built in for large institutional investors and the well-connected.
The Bush admin. doesn't seem to think reform is called for. There may
be a big crash coming, in which case you will have no trouble
believing the Repub mouthpieces when they blame it on the Dems.

Deficits are down? That's laughable. Bush has spent like a drunken
sailor since he came into office, and that's not even counting the
Iraq war. The Repubs have completely abdicated their position as the
party of fiscal responsibilty. Most Repubs seem to think debt just
doesn't matter.

Employment? Another good one. The figures don't show how many people
have lost good-paying manufacturing jobs and are now cleaning toilets
at Wal-Mart for $6/hr. People who have given up looking for work
don't count as unemployed. People whose unemployment insurance has
run out don't count as unemployed. People with two (or more!) part
time jobs count as two (or more) employed people. Even people who
still have good jobs are feeling very insecure. We're hardly having
an economic boom.

Do you really think the war in Iraq is making us safer from
terrorism--or achieving -any- good result except to shovel govt. money
to Bush's buddies? I mean, just how gullible do you have to be to
believe that?

And Bush's tax cuts have had the effect of increasing the inequality
of wealth in the US to unprecedented levels. For the bottom 98% of
us, this is not a good thing.

But most important--underlying everything the Bush admin. has done
wrong and everything the Dems at least have a chance at putting
right--is the incredible, arrogant corruption of the Bush admin.
Their idea that the president and members of his administration are
above the law. Rampant cronyism, where all the major offices are
filled by well-connected campaign contributors rather than real
experts in their respective fields. The idea that our founding
fathers meant for the president to be a dictator, able to override
Congress and the courts to work his will. If a Democrat did any of
this stuff you'd scream bloody murder!

The Dems now have a chance to show how they'd do things better. So
far I'm fairly satisfied with the job they've done.
2007-02-10 21:58:04 UTC
Post by unknown
I don't have a lot of faith in the Democrats. I'm not registered as
Democrat and I think the party is almost hopelessly corrupt. But not
NEARLY as corrupt as the GOP.
You quote a lot of 'good news' from Republican propagandists. Most of
it is hogwash. How credulous do you have to be to be a good, faithful
Republican these days? Do you just swallow unquestioning everything
they tell you?
The market may be up (for now) but its easy to get a temporary rise in
the stock markets with massive deficit spending. Most small
investors I know have taken their sheckels off the table because they
see what sucker's game it is. Insider trading is rampant, big
brokerage houses have been shown to lie and cheat, advantages are
built in for large institutional investors and the well-connected.
The Bush admin. doesn't seem to think reform is called for. There may
be a big crash coming, in which case you will have no trouble
believing the Repub mouthpieces when they blame it on the Dems.
Deficits are down? That's laughable. Bush has spent like a drunken
sailor since he came into office, and that's not even counting the
Iraq war. The Repubs have completely abdicated their position as the
party of fiscal responsibilty. Most Repubs seem to think debt just
doesn't matter.
Employment? Another good one. The figures don't show how many people
have lost good-paying manufacturing jobs and are now cleaning toilets
at Wal-Mart for $6/hr. People who have given up looking for work
don't count as unemployed. People whose unemployment insurance has
run out don't count as unemployed. People with two (or more!) part
time jobs count as two (or more) employed people. Even people who
still have good jobs are feeling very insecure. We're hardly having
an economic boom.
Do you really think the war in Iraq is making us safer from
terrorism--or achieving -any- good result except to shovel govt. money
to Bush's buddies? I mean, just how gullible do you have to be to
believe that?
And Bush's tax cuts have had the effect of increasing the inequality
of wealth in the US to unprecedented levels. For the bottom 98% of
us, this is not a good thing.
But most important--underlying everything the Bush admin. has done
wrong and everything the Dems at least have a chance at putting
right--is the incredible, arrogant corruption of the Bush admin.
Their idea that the president and members of his administration are
above the law. Rampant cronyism, where all the major offices are
filled by well-connected campaign contributors rather than real
experts in their respective fields. The idea that our founding
fathers meant for the president to be a dictator, able to override
Congress and the courts to work his will. If a Democrat did any of
this stuff you'd scream bloody murder!
The Dems now have a chance to show how they'd do things better. So
far I'm fairly satisfied with the job they've done.
By golly...
There really are still some non-dumbed down americans out there.
2007-02-10 22:03:43 UTC
Post by l***@cs.com
By golly...
There really are still some non-dumbed down americans out there.
Thanks for the encouragement!

Which do you believe, your party's doctrines or your own lyin' eyes?
2007-02-10 22:14:40 UTC
Post by unknown
Post by l***@cs.com
By golly...
There really are still some non-dumbed down americans out there.
Thanks for the encouragement!
Which do you believe, your party's doctrines or your own lyin' eyes?
Talk about a loaded question...

I used to be a democrat, and then I used to be a republican... but I
am dammed sure that I will never be a international neocon.

Now I'm just sure that it's the issues that matter - and not any
(existing) political parties.
I call myself a 'centrist' and try to act that way.

Life is consequently tough, but good eyesight always helps.
2007-02-10 23:12:22 UTC
Post by l***@cs.com
Post by unknown
Which do you believe, your party's doctrines or your own lyin' eyes?
Talk about a loaded question...
I meant it to be.
Post by l***@cs.com
I used to be a democrat, and then I used to be a republican... but I
am dammed sure that I will never be a international neocon.
Now I'm just sure that it's the issues that matter - and not any
(existing) political parties.
I call myself a 'centrist' and try to act that way.
Life is consequently tough, but good eyesight always helps.
That's a good philosophy. I used to consider myself a centrist, back
in the 70s. It's the center that moved, not me. 8^)

The point of the 'loaded' question is that I think we would all be a
lot better off if people looked around themselves and believed their
own eyes. Politicians are not all evil--they are as evil as we let
them get away with, which these days is pretty evil--but even with
relatively honest politicians, everything they say should be taken
with a grain of salt, subjected to a sensitive bullshit detector.
People who just parrot party slogans are not helping to further the
2007-02-10 23:23:23 UTC
Post by unknown
I don't have a lot of faith in the Democrats. I'm not registered as
Democrat and I think the party is almost hopelessly corrupt. But not
NEARLY as corrupt as the GOP.
You quote a lot of 'good news' from Republican propagandists. Most of
it is hogwash. How credulous do you have to be to be a good, faithful
Republican these days? Do you just swallow unquestioning everything
they tell you?
Any evidence, or just your feeling?
Post by unknown
The market may be up (for now) but its easy to get a temporary rise in
the stock markets with massive deficit spending. Most small
investors I know have taken their sheckels off the table because they
see what sucker's game it is. Insider trading is rampant, big
brokerage houses have been shown to lie and cheat, advantages are
built in for large institutional investors and the well-connected.
The Bush admin. doesn't seem to think reform is called for. There may
be a big crash coming, in which case you will have no trouble
believing the Repub mouthpieces when they blame it on the Dems.
Deficits are down? That's laughable. Bush has spent like a drunken
sailor since he came into office, and that's not even counting the
Iraq war. The Repubs have completely abdicated their position as the
party of fiscal responsibilty. Most Repubs seem to think debt just
doesn't matter.
Employment? Another good one. The figures don't show how many people
have lost good-paying manufacturing jobs and are now cleaning toilets
at Wal-Mart for $6/hr. People who have given up looking for work
don't count as unemployed. People whose unemployment insurance has
run out don't count as unemployed. People with two (or more!) part
time jobs count as two (or more) employed people. Even people who
still have good jobs are feeling very insecure. We're hardly having
an economic boom.
Do you really think the war in Iraq is making us safer from
terrorism--or achieving -any- good result except to shovel govt. money
to Bush's buddies? I mean, just how gullible do you have to be to
believe that?
And Bush's tax cuts have had the effect of increasing the inequality
of wealth in the US to unprecedented levels. For the bottom 98% of
us, this is not a good thing.
But most important--underlying everything the Bush admin. has done
wrong and everything the Dems at least have a chance at putting
right--is the incredible, arrogant corruption of the Bush admin.
Their idea that the president and members of his administration are
above the law. Rampant cronyism, where all the major offices are
filled by well-connected campaign contributors rather than real
experts in their respective fields. The idea that our founding
fathers meant for the president to be a dictator, able to override
Congress and the courts to work his will. If a Democrat did any of
this stuff you'd scream bloody murder!
The Dems now have a chance to show how they'd do things better. So
far I'm fairly satisfied with the job they've done.
David R
2007-02-18 00:23:13 UTC
Very Good
Post by unknown
I don't have a lot of faith in the Democrats. I'm not registered as
Democrat and I think the party is almost hopelessly corrupt. But not
NEARLY as corrupt as the GOP.
You quote a lot of 'good news' from Republican propagandists. Most of
it is hogwash. How credulous do you have to be to be a good, faithful
Republican these days? Do you just swallow unquestioning everything
they tell you?
The market may be up (for now) but its easy to get a temporary rise in
the stock markets with massive deficit spending. Most small
investors I know have taken their sheckels off the table because they
see what sucker's game it is. Insider trading is rampant, big
brokerage houses have been shown to lie and cheat, advantages are
built in for large institutional investors and the well-connected.
The Bush admin. doesn't seem to think reform is called for. There may
be a big crash coming, in which case you will have no trouble
believing the Repub mouthpieces when they blame it on the Dems.
Deficits are down? That's laughable. Bush has spent like a drunken
sailor since he came into office, and that's not even counting the
Iraq war. The Repubs have completely abdicated their position as the
party of fiscal responsibilty. Most Repubs seem to think debt just
doesn't matter.
Employment? Another good one. The figures don't show how many people
have lost good-paying manufacturing jobs and are now cleaning toilets
at Wal-Mart for $6/hr. People who have given up looking for work
don't count as unemployed. People whose unemployment insurance has
run out don't count as unemployed. People with two (or more!) part
time jobs count as two (or more) employed people. Even people who
still have good jobs are feeling very insecure. We're hardly having
an economic boom.
Do you really think the war in Iraq is making us safer from
terrorism--or achieving -any- good result except to shovel govt. money
to Bush's buddies? I mean, just how gullible do you have to be to
believe that?
And Bush's tax cuts have had the effect of increasing the inequality
of wealth in the US to unprecedented levels. For the bottom 98% of
us, this is not a good thing.
But most important--underlying everything the Bush admin. has done
wrong and everything the Dems at least have a chance at putting
right--is the incredible, arrogant corruption of the Bush admin.
Their idea that the president and members of his administration are
above the law. Rampant cronyism, where all the major offices are
filled by well-connected campaign contributors rather than real
experts in their respective fields. The idea that our founding
fathers meant for the president to be a dictator, able to override
Congress and the courts to work his will. If a Democrat did any of
this stuff you'd scream bloody murder!
The Dems now have a chance to show how they'd do things better. So
far I'm fairly satisfied with the job they've done.
2007-02-10 23:22:56 UTC
FYI: A fact you seem not to know:

They've been in power ONE MONTH!
The Democrats new promise: "A New Direction For
America "
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America
's 401K's are back.
A new direction from there means, what?
Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Oil prices are plummeting.
A new direction from there means, what?
Taxes are at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
A new direction from there means, what?
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as
predicted over last year.
A new direction from there means. what?
Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
A new direction from there means, what?
Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since
A new direction from there means, what?
Saddam Hussein is dead
A new direction from there means, what?
Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave,
having not surfaced
in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al
Queda's top dogs are either dead
or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
A new direction from there means, what?
Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US
and British Intel,
including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo
Jets being exploded
in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate
the anniversary of the
9/11/01 attacks.
A new direction from there means, what?
Just as President Bush foretold us on a number of
occasions, Iraq was to be
made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and
just as President Bush
said they would, terrorist cells from all over the
region are arriving from the
shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq
in order to get their faces
blown off by US Marines rather than boarding planes
and heading to the United States to wage war on us
A new direction from there means, what?
The economy to go South
Illegals to go North
Taxes to go Up
Employment to go Down
Terrorism to come In
Tax breaks to go Out
Social Security to go Away
Health Care to go the same way gas prices have gone
But what the heck!
I can gain comfort by knowing that Nancy P, Hillory C,
John K, Edward K,
Howard D, Harry R and Obama have worked hard to create
a comprehensive
National Security Plan, Health Care Plan, Immigration
Reform Plan, Gay Rights Plan,
Same Sex Marriage Plan, Abortion On Demand Plan,
Tolerance of Everyone and
Everything Plan, How to Return all Troops to the U.S.
in The Next Six Months Plan,
A Get Tough Plan, adapted from the French Plan by the
same name and a How
Everyone Can Become as Wealthy as We Are Plan.
I forgot the No More Katrina Storm Plan.
Now I know why I feel good after the elections. I am
going to be able to sleep
so much better at nights knowing these dedicated
politicians are thinking of me and my welfare.
Please pass this good news along to all of your
friends so they can feel better as well .
2007-02-11 05:17:16 UTC
Apparently America voted for this "New Direction"

You were conscious on Nov. 7th?

Sleep tight.
The Democrats new promise: "A New Direction For
America "
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America
's 401K's are back.
A new direction from there means, what?
Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Oil prices are plummeting.
A new direction from there means, what?
Taxes are at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
A new direction from there means, what?
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as
predicted over last year.
A new direction from there means. what?
Home valuations are up 200% over the past 3.5 years.
A new direction from there means, what?
Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.
A new direction from there means, what?
Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since
A new direction from there means, what?
Saddam Hussein is dead
A new direction from there means, what?
Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave,
having not surfaced
in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al
Queda's top dogs are either dead
or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
A new direction from there means, what?
Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US
and British Intel,
including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo
Jets being exploded
in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate
the anniversary of the
9/11/01 attacks.
A new direction from there means, what?
Just as President Bush foretold us on a number of
occasions, Iraq was to be
made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and
just as President Bush
said they would, terrorist cells from all over the
region are arriving from the
shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq
in order to get their faces
blown off by US Marines rather than boarding planes
and heading to the United States to wage war on us
A new direction from there means, what?
The economy to go South
Illegals to go North
Taxes to go Up
Employment to go Down
Terrorism to come In
Tax breaks to go Out
Social Security to go Away
Health Care to go the same way gas prices have gone
But what the heck!
I can gain comfort by knowing that Nancy P, Hillory C,
John K, Edward K,
Howard D, Harry R and Obama have worked hard to create
a comprehensive
National Security Plan, Health Care Plan, Immigration
Reform Plan, Gay Rights Plan,
Same Sex Marriage Plan, Abortion On Demand Plan,
Tolerance of Everyone and
Everything Plan, How to Return all Troops to the U.S.
in The Next Six Months Plan,
A Get Tough Plan, adapted from the French Plan by the
same name and a How
Everyone Can Become as Wealthy as We Are Plan.
I forgot the No More Katrina Storm Plan.
Now I know why I feel good after the elections. I am
going to be able to sleep
so much better at nights knowing these dedicated
politicians are thinking of me and my welfare.
Please pass this good news along to all of your
friends so they can feel better as well .
David R
2007-02-18 00:21:28 UTC
The Democrats new promise: "A New Direction For
America "
The stock market is at a new all-time high and America
's 401K's are back.
It hit 100 all time highs under clinton and has not increased
at the same rate as it did under clinton, but you wouldn't know that,
you're just repeating the limbaugh and hanitty bullshit
intended for ignorant hillbillies like yourself
Unemployment is at 25 year lows.
it means 25 million illegal aliens have been imported to lower wages and
benefits to American companies at the expense of American workers
Oil prices are plummeting.
from $70 a barrel to $50 a barrel, still higher
than the $15 a barrel under Clinton, and gas prices have plummeted
from $3.35 a gallon to 2.30, still way over Clintons 1.20
Taxes are at 20 year lows.
for the wealthy and the poor, the burden has been transferred
to the middle class
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
corporate profits, obscene at best, are the highest in the
nation's history, average workers wages are
the same or less than they were in the 1970's, adjusted
for inflation,

and those tax revenues are going directly to the Iraqi sewer with the
exception of those amounts skimmed off the top by the Halliburton's, and
ended up with the 360 tons of cash
The Federal deficit is down almost 50%, just as
predicted over last year.
LMAO, you're a lying, deceitful, ignorant piece of shit,

we had a $1 Trillion surplus before bush took over, now
we have a $3 trillion deficit, so his budget loses less money this year than
last year and that's an achievement ??

what an idiot, no wonder you losers are getting your ignorant
asses whipped in Iraq

Inflation is in check, hovering at 20 year lows.

bullshit, go to a gas station, grocery store, doctor's office or drug store
Not a single terrorist attack on US soil since
that has no meaning at all, but ignorant hillbillies can't figure that out,
in the meantime America and it's war criminals conduct terrorist acts every
in addition to war crimes and atrocities
Saddam Hussein is dead
and that got us what ???
and was it worth 3000 American lives, $700 Billion,
wiretapping, torture, murder, secret prisons,
650,000 innocent Iraqi lives,
the loss of individual freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution
Osama bin Laden is living under a rock in a dark cave,
having not surfaced
in years, if he's alive at all, while 95% of Al
Queda's top dogs are either dead
or in custody, cooperating with US Intel.
they appear to be doing a heck of a job brownie, kicking the shit out
of our hillbilly led and infested so called military, and take that 95%
number that you pulled out of your ass
and stuff it back in,

100% of the Al Queada Leadership is alive,
Bubba brain, and they are smarter than our leadership,

weren't these the ragheaded goat herders who flew a JETLINER
through the front door of the
FUCKING PENTAGON You fucking idiot,
can't get any more ignorant than that, hell they almost got the white house,
where in the hell was our HILLBILLY LEADERSHIP ???

screwing the hillbilly pooch in FloriDUH
100% of our leadership is brain dead like all hillbillies,
how did bush and cheney know to stay away from D.C. on 9/11
Several major terrorist attacks already thwarted by US
and British Intel,
including the recent planned attack involving 10 Jumbo
Jets being exploded
in mid-air over major US cities in order to celebrate
it means bush and his Nazis hired some fiction writers to come up with this
bullshit to fool hillbillies
Just as President Bush foretold us on a number of
occasions, Iraq was to be
made "ground zero" for the war on terrorism -- and
just as President Bush
said they would, terrorist cells from all over the
region are arriving from the
shadows of their hiding places and flooding into Iraq
in order to get their faces
blown off by US Marines rather than boarding planes
and heading to the United States to wage war on us
the only faces that those ignorant jarheads are blowing off are the
innocent civilian's and children's, after they have gang raped them

Americans are more likely to believe Bart Simpson than they are that lying
in the white house,

terrorisms headquarters is in the white house and at Crawford texass
you haven't gotten anything right so far peckerhead,

just like bush, Cheney, rove, and the rest of the losing,failing, ignorant,
conservatives, just fucking up everything in sight for 6 years like a
typical hillbilly fuckup
The economy and America to be owned by the Chinese and Wal Mart,
Illegals to replace American Workers
Taxes to go down for the wealthy
Employment to go down for Americans up for Mexicans
Terrorism to get worse, after they see how easy it is to defeat the
cough,cough, U.S. Military
Tax breaks to go to the wealthy and corporations
Social Security to be used to pay for the war
Health Care only for the wealthy
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