2007-12-19 17:16:19 UTC
You may have seen the Hyundai ads recently, the Holi-duh Sale. And I
think they're blasphemous against Christianity. They have a choir
singing, and even though they're singing secular Christmas songs
choirs are usually associated with churches. Then one has a lamb in
it, a symbol of Jesus Christ, and another has a dove in it, a symbol
of the Holy Spirit.
I understand Hyundai and Kia were founded by a wealthy South Korean
Buddhist/Confucionist and two of his sons committed suicide. So why
are we allowing these guys to bring their cheap cars over here to
compete against our own American manufactured cars, especially when
General Motors lost $29 billion or something last quarter and then
they blaspheme the God of the majority of the people of our country?
And I don't think we should just complain about Hyundai/Kia for
producing this commercial. Why are the television networks carrying
this? I saw these commercials aired over and over again on the recent
Packers game on the Fox network, owned by the billionaire Jewish
Zionist Rupert Murdoch. Despite most of the modern false apostate
church of today, including Catholic Pope Benedict, Pat Robertson, John
Hagee, etc., sucking up to the Jews today most of the Jews are
continuing their hatred of Christianity that began in the 1st century.
think they're blasphemous against Christianity. They have a choir
singing, and even though they're singing secular Christmas songs
choirs are usually associated with churches. Then one has a lamb in
it, a symbol of Jesus Christ, and another has a dove in it, a symbol
of the Holy Spirit.
I understand Hyundai and Kia were founded by a wealthy South Korean
Buddhist/Confucionist and two of his sons committed suicide. So why
are we allowing these guys to bring their cheap cars over here to
compete against our own American manufactured cars, especially when
General Motors lost $29 billion or something last quarter and then
they blaspheme the God of the majority of the people of our country?
And I don't think we should just complain about Hyundai/Kia for
producing this commercial. Why are the television networks carrying
this? I saw these commercials aired over and over again on the recent
Packers game on the Fox network, owned by the billionaire Jewish
Zionist Rupert Murdoch. Despite most of the modern false apostate
church of today, including Catholic Pope Benedict, Pat Robertson, John
Hagee, etc., sucking up to the Jews today most of the Jews are
continuing their hatred of Christianity that began in the 1st century.