McCain No War Hero - Wants To Slash Your Social Security
(too old to reply)
2008-02-20 06:44:03 UTC
Not according to Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain, founded by two
Republicans. He also supports privatizing Social Security similarly to
President Bush. See http://www.squidoo.com/the-democratic-party
2008-02-21 01:26:05 UTC
Post by RW
Not according to Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain, founded by two
Republicans. He also supports privatizing Social Security similarly to
President Bush. Seehttp://www.squidoo.com/the-democratic-party
Are you kidding me the link you have is some of the most ridiculous
stuff I have ever read. Americans should be ashamed of what was
written in that article. It is full of rumors and unfounded slander
probably made up by ignorant inbreed retarted republican. Bush is a
horrible pres but to say that shit about McCain is f***** up. He lost
teeth for you
