Australian Filmmaker Tells How Israelis Persecute Palestinians
(too old to reply)
2007-05-26 17:52:58 UTC
Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, in a new article,
tells how the Israelis are persecuting the Palestinians. And John
Pilger has really been there, making documentaries, risking his life
because foreign journalists who don't write pro-Israel tend to get
shot by the Israeli Defense Forces. He tells how the Israelis are the
occupiers, with settlers illegally squatting on Palestinian owned
territory. He tells how thousands of Palestinians have been arrested
by Israel and been illegally tortured, while Jews are never tortured
by the Israeli government. He tells how Israel has twice illegally
targeted Gaza's only power plant, shutting off all electric power to
all of Gaza's 1,000,000+ residents, a violation of international law.
Now the Zionist organizations are labelling former American president
Jimmy Carter an anti-semite for remarks he made in his latest book,
but he's another one like Pilger who's really been there and knows
what's really going on. See http://www.antiwar.com/orig/pilger.php
2007-05-26 18:10:14 UTC
Post by RW
Australian journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, in a new article,
tells how the Israelis are persecuting the Palestinians. And John
Pilger has really been there, making documentaries, risking his life
because foreign journalists who don't write pro-Israel tend to get
shot by the Israeli Defense Forces. He tells how the Israelis are the
occupiers, with settlers illegally squatting on Palestinian owned
territory. He tells how thousands of Palestinians have been arrested
by Israel and been illegally tortured, while Jews are never tortured
by the Israeli government. He tells how Israel has twice illegally
targeted Gaza's only power plant, shutting off all electric power to
all of Gaza's 1,000,000+ residents, a violation of international law.
Now the Zionist organizations are labelling former American president
Jimmy Carter an anti-semite for remarks he made in his latest book,
but he's another one like Pilger who's really been there and knows
what's really going on. Seehttp://www.antiwar.com/orig/pilger.php
He is so full of shit (just like RW) it is coming
out of his ears and mouth

" ... he has just received word from home of the
latest Palestinian war crime. "Hamas fired 15
rockets into Israel today. One of them hit a car,
killed a woman," says Mr. Netanyahu, the former
Israeli prime minister and now leader of the
opposition. The victim, 32-year-old Shirel
Friedman, was on her way to see her mother."

That was Monday, there has been much more
2007-05-26 19:13:15 UTC
I don't think a lot of Americans have even heard about Rachel Corrie,
a 23 year old American college student and peace activist, who was
killed when she was apparently deliberately driven over by an Israeli
bulldozer while standing in front of and trying to stop the
demolishing of a Palestinian doctor's home in Gaza. Here's an article
containing some emails she wrote to her parents from Gaza:
2007-05-26 20:52:26 UTC
Post by RW
I don't think a lot of Americans have even heard about Rachel Corrie,
a 23 year old American college student and peace activist, who was
killed when she was apparently deliberately driven over by an Israeli
bulldozer while standing in front of and trying to stop the
demolishing of a Palestinian doctor's home in Gaza.
Rachel Corrie was set up by her ISM leaders
and pictures of her by the bulldozer, were taken
in the morning. The dozer was armoured to
protect the driver, who could not see the girl
standing on the pile of dirt he was about to move.
There were a bunch of her colleagues right by
where she was, but none of them made any effort
to get her off until she fell in the hole and was
crushed by the dirt. Immediately an ISM official
transmitted the pix to Reuters with captions
reflecting Rachel's death as if they were just
taken. Reuters immediately dispatched them
around the world until an Israeli photo editor
recognized that the shadows were wrong for the
purported time of day. Reuters pulled the pix from
the site but neither recalled them not corrected the
captions. Of course, ISM had a propaganda
release on the wire within minutes.

The house had to come down because it was the
terminus of an arms smuggling tunnel which had
to be destroyed.

How many times have arab schoolboys gotten on
school buses and set off shrapnel loaded
explosives killing or maiming all aboard.

You would not know or care because you only read
Islamo-fascist propaganda-- it's easy to find.

Almost 2 years ago, a doctor who had organized
Israel's emergency services so that whatever
happened, everybody - arab or Jew got the best
care possible; came home from a lecture tour in
USA, and took his young daughter to a coffee
shop, for a little father daughter chat on the eve
of her wedding. A young arab came in the door
pushed a number on a button in his coat pocket
and all were dead. The girl was buried on her
wedding day

Most of the Arab funerals are mostly photo-ops.
We have seen film of an Arab falling out of a
coffin, climb up and lay back down in.

Indeed, RW, you do not have the first clue.

- -
| "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation
| of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing
| our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab
| unity. In reality today there is no difference between
| Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese.

| Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak
| today about the existence of a Palestinian people,
| since Arab national interests demand that we posit
| the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to
| oppose Zionism.
ยท PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein
