2008-01-09 17:26:11 UTC
So here's another election where all the polls were showing Obama
winning, some by double digits, and then Hillary wins by 3%. I took
statistics in college, and a poll that's done right isn't going to be
off by more than + or - 3%. Max Cleland was leading in all the polls,
then he lost his election for the Senate in Georgia. John Kerry was
leading in all the exit polls in Ohio, then he lost the election.
Again, this is statistically impossible. Folks, this election was
rigged. They rigged the elections in 2000 and 2004. They've got us
using voting machines now that tests show can very easily be hacked
and don't even leave a paper trail to allow an honest recount. By
excluding Ron Paul from the Fox News New Hampshire debate after he had
gotten a 10% vote in Iowa is one type of rigging an election. Dennis
Kucinich was excluded from the recent Democratic debates. The
connection is that these guys are anti-war. They want us to get out of
Iraq as do most of the American people. You say that Hillary is
against the Iraq war too, but Russian intelligence doesn't expect any
changes from the Bush administration from a Hillary Clinton
presidency. They say she would continue Bush's policy to divide Iraq
into three semi-autonomous regions with permanent US bases in the Kurd
region. And these guys are rigging elections all over, not just the
US. Canada, Mexico, France, Ukraine, Poland, etc. This is where a lot
of the money supposedly going to the phoney "War on Terror" is going.
It can now be revealed that Benazir Bhutto was prepared to tell
Senator Arlen Specter and Congressman Patrick Kennedy that she had
proof that Musharraf was planning to rig the upcoming Pakistani
elections with funds from the US supposedly to be used to fight
terrorism on the day she was assassinated. See
winning, some by double digits, and then Hillary wins by 3%. I took
statistics in college, and a poll that's done right isn't going to be
off by more than + or - 3%. Max Cleland was leading in all the polls,
then he lost his election for the Senate in Georgia. John Kerry was
leading in all the exit polls in Ohio, then he lost the election.
Again, this is statistically impossible. Folks, this election was
rigged. They rigged the elections in 2000 and 2004. They've got us
using voting machines now that tests show can very easily be hacked
and don't even leave a paper trail to allow an honest recount. By
excluding Ron Paul from the Fox News New Hampshire debate after he had
gotten a 10% vote in Iowa is one type of rigging an election. Dennis
Kucinich was excluded from the recent Democratic debates. The
connection is that these guys are anti-war. They want us to get out of
Iraq as do most of the American people. You say that Hillary is
against the Iraq war too, but Russian intelligence doesn't expect any
changes from the Bush administration from a Hillary Clinton
presidency. They say she would continue Bush's policy to divide Iraq
into three semi-autonomous regions with permanent US bases in the Kurd
region. And these guys are rigging elections all over, not just the
US. Canada, Mexico, France, Ukraine, Poland, etc. This is where a lot
of the money supposedly going to the phoney "War on Terror" is going.
It can now be revealed that Benazir Bhutto was prepared to tell
Senator Arlen Specter and Congressman Patrick Kennedy that she had
proof that Musharraf was planning to rig the upcoming Pakistani
elections with funds from the US supposedly to be used to fight
terrorism on the day she was assassinated. See