2008-04-03 17:31:13 UTC
Democrats Have Kept Racism Alive
Townhall, by Nina May
There was a big problem with Barack’s mea culpa speech in Philadelphia,
defending his racist pastor, Jeremiah White. He failed to mention that over
300,000 white Americans gave their lives to end slavery. He didn’t mention
that in 1854, abolitionists left the Democratic Party and founded the
Republican Party specifically for the purpose of ending slavery and giving
equal rights to all those who had been in bondage.
Townhall, by Nina May
There was a big problem with Barack’s mea culpa speech in Philadelphia,
defending his racist pastor, Jeremiah White. He failed to mention that over
300,000 white Americans gave their lives to end slavery. He didn’t mention
that in 1854, abolitionists left the Democratic Party and founded the
Republican Party specifically for the purpose of ending slavery and giving
equal rights to all those who had been in bondage.