Dear Fellow American:
(too old to reply)
2008-10-07 00:00:22 UTC
Dear Fellow American:

Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave
crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a
major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United
States .

That man is Barack Obama.

He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that -
but in ways
you may not like.

Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.

He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making
him the most left-wing Senator in Washington - more liberal than even
Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.

If you look at Obama's record, you will understand just how dangerous this
man is.

He even has terrorist friends he won't denounce. One such man is William
Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground.
The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon,
killing civilians and police officers.

In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could
have done more.

The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit
boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political
event at his home for Obama.

Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association
by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon

However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.

Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader
Louis Farrakhan.

No one can deny hearing about Obama's relationship with the America-hating
Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the
Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama - because he is one of them.

In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical
leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without "preconditions"
even though Ahmadinejad has promised to "wipe Israel off the map" and
"destroy" America .

Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him.

"We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election," Ahmed Yousef,
senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.

Help the National Republican Trust PAC tell the truth about Obama - Go Here

Paul P
2008-10-07 02:54:22 UTC
Post by Archangel
Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave
crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a
major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United
States .
That man is Barack Obama.
Putting aside your repetition of the current crop of rightwing
things-with-which-to-attack-Obama, I have a question :

What is it - really - that you don't like about Obama and the
country as it would be with him as president ? Could you describe
what aspects of life under McCain you would prefer to those under
Obama ?

I'm seeing a lot of attacks on Obama but I'm not seeing much of
a description from the Republicans of what life would be like
under McCain. I think Obama has at least attempted to describe
in detail what he would do as president. I haven't seen the
same from McCain so it's hard to tell how things would be.

Paul P
