Definition of an Afghan Ally
(too old to reply)
2009-10-03 13:26:28 UTC

Afghan soldier shoots dead two American troops
Sat Oct 3, 2009 9:06am EDT

KABUL (Reuters) - An Afghan soldier on guard at a joint base with
U.S. troops shot dead two American servicemen and wounded two others
as they slept, a provincial official said on Saturday.
Shahedullah Shahed, spokesman for the governor of Wardak province west
of Kabul, said the shooting took place after a combined team of Afghan
and U.S. forces had returned from a joint operation late on Friday.

"The Americans were in the middle of sleep when an Afghan soldier on
duty opened fire on them," Shahed said.

"We have no clue as to why he shot them."

A statement from NATO-led forces said two American soldiers died from
injuries suffered in a "hostile attack" in eastern Afghanistan on
Friday. A press officer for the Western troops said he could give no
further details of the incident.
charles q
2009-10-07 22:22:16 UTC
Post by chatnoir
Afghan soldier shoots dead two American troops
Sat Oct 3, 2009 9:06am EDT
 KABUL (Reuters) - An Afghan soldier on guard at a joint base with
U.S. troops shot dead two American servicemen and wounded two others
as they slept, a provincial official said on Saturday.
Shahedullah Shahed, spokesman for the governor of Wardak province west
of Kabul, said the shooting took place after a combined team of Afghan
and U.S. forces had returned from a joint operation late on Friday.
"The Americans were in the middle of sleep when an Afghan soldier on
duty opened fire on them," Shahed said.
"We have no clue as to why he shot them."
A statement from NATO-led forces said two American soldiers died from
injuries suffered in a "hostile attack" in eastern Afghanistan on
Friday. A press officer for the Western troops said he could give no
further details of the incident.
We need to pull out of there completely and cut our losses now not to
mention wasting billions on a no win scenario.When we had special
forces and CIA black ops handleing the taliban there the results were
great.Bush never intended on sending any large amount of troops there
because he knew that it was tactically unsound and so did Gtes for
that matter.The along comes Obooboo who also promised that he would
not send in mass amouints of troops but perhaps mayby 1 brigade which
quickly changed as soon as he was in then he sent thousands.All he
acomplished was to force the taliban to scatter into the larger
citie's making it virtuallu impossible to locate them whic also ruined
all the hard work the special forces haad acomplished as well.Funny
thing about Gates is that when Bush was in he was all for everything
including the F-22 traptor etc.Whn Obama got in he then got his head
stuch up obooboo's ass and go's along with whatever he wants him to
do.GAtes needs to be replaced badly but then so does Obama and his
admin as well

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