2008-10-05 18:58:34 UTC
Even veteran Republican propagandist Karl Rove is surprised at the
depths of dishonesty the McCain/Palin ticket has sunk after promising
to carry out an honorable and positive campaign. "McCain has gone, in
some of his ads, similarly one step too far in sort of attributing to
Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100 percent truth test,"
Rove said recently on Fox News. In fact, independent organizations
have already caught the McCain/Palin campaign with over 50 lies in
their advertising. See
depths of dishonesty the McCain/Palin ticket has sunk after promising
to carry out an honorable and positive campaign. "McCain has gone, in
some of his ads, similarly one step too far in sort of attributing to
Obama things that are, you know, beyond the 100 percent truth test,"
Rove said recently on Fox News. In fact, independent organizations
have already caught the McCain/Palin campaign with over 50 lies in
their advertising. See