2006-09-20 04:03:28 UTC
Just for the sake of discussion let us say a suicide bomber goes into
a thriving market place early in the afternoon. He is outraged at what
the Pope has recently said and because he knows that "quote".
Unbeliever attend these outdoor market he will kill many infidels when
he sets off his bombs. Now suppose in all of the people there is a
Islam cleric that preaches against the infidels, but tonight he is
there simply to shop for the evening meal. Some fresh fruit,
vegetables, etc. The cleric does not know the bomber is about to set
off his bomb.
Now the bomb goes off some number of people are kill and alike number
or more are injured. Now as I understand it the bomber of course is on
his way to paradise ( I have never heard of it being called heaven )
where I am told he will get his 700 or thousand virgins, whatever ( as
I get older it seems less interesting to me ) .
Now lets go back to the cleric, he did not know that this was about to
take place so he is not part of this. He has died just like any other
infidel. Does anyone know what becomes of his sole? what
does the Koran say about his death.
Would anyone like to tell me how for off base am I, what have I
This is one of those times that I wish I was far more eloquent in what
Im trying to say.
"Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers
nothing personal, your name just happened to come up."
--Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000) US cartoonist
a thriving market place early in the afternoon. He is outraged at what
the Pope has recently said and because he knows that "quote".
Unbeliever attend these outdoor market he will kill many infidels when
he sets off his bombs. Now suppose in all of the people there is a
Islam cleric that preaches against the infidels, but tonight he is
there simply to shop for the evening meal. Some fresh fruit,
vegetables, etc. The cleric does not know the bomber is about to set
off his bomb.
Now the bomb goes off some number of people are kill and alike number
or more are injured. Now as I understand it the bomber of course is on
his way to paradise ( I have never heard of it being called heaven )
where I am told he will get his 700 or thousand virgins, whatever ( as
I get older it seems less interesting to me ) .
Now lets go back to the cleric, he did not know that this was about to
take place so he is not part of this. He has died just like any other
infidel. Does anyone know what becomes of his sole? what
does the Koran say about his death.
Would anyone like to tell me how for off base am I, what have I
This is one of those times that I wish I was far more eloquent in what
Im trying to say.
"Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers
nothing personal, your name just happened to come up."
--Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000) US cartoonist