2006-09-13 20:51:35 UTC
"On September 11, 2001, Our guard was down. America vowed that morning
that we would never let that happen
again. And yet, after five years many of us have grown weary of
maintaining our defenses. America is in danger of
losing sight of the enemy. (Many of us already have.) We have become
so distracted by the political fights over how to
defend ourselves that we seem to have forgotten why we need to. Today
would be a good time to stop bickering and
remember that we are all Americans, and therefore all targeted by a
resolute army of fanatical warriors. The enemy does
not care if we are Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative,
believer or atheist. It just wants us defeated. Polls
report that more than a third of Americans, and nearly half of New
Yorkers, believe that our own government either
orchestrated the attacks or deliberately allowed them to happen. Such
insanity can only be spread in a society that has
lost its bearings. We must refocus on our common enemy: the Islamic
radicals who want to establish their own despotic
empire and view us as the most important obstacle in their path.
America was attacked five years ago by agents of
radical Islam. Their successors are fighting us in Iraq and
Afghanistan and awaiting their chance to wound us again on
our own soil. That is not a fantasy. It is the world in which we all
live. Despite discouragements and setbacks, America
can win this new and challenging war. But only if we fight the right
enemy." ---The New Hampshire Union Leader
But some Americans, sadly, are not interested in victory. And yet they
want us to believe that their behavior is Patriotic.
Well, it's not."
---Rush Limbaugh
that we would never let that happen
again. And yet, after five years many of us have grown weary of
maintaining our defenses. America is in danger of
losing sight of the enemy. (Many of us already have.) We have become
so distracted by the political fights over how to
defend ourselves that we seem to have forgotten why we need to. Today
would be a good time to stop bickering and
remember that we are all Americans, and therefore all targeted by a
resolute army of fanatical warriors. The enemy does
not care if we are Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative,
believer or atheist. It just wants us defeated. Polls
report that more than a third of Americans, and nearly half of New
Yorkers, believe that our own government either
orchestrated the attacks or deliberately allowed them to happen. Such
insanity can only be spread in a society that has
lost its bearings. We must refocus on our common enemy: the Islamic
radicals who want to establish their own despotic
empire and view us as the most important obstacle in their path.
America was attacked five years ago by agents of
radical Islam. Their successors are fighting us in Iraq and
Afghanistan and awaiting their chance to wound us again on
our own soil. That is not a fantasy. It is the world in which we all
live. Despite discouragements and setbacks, America
can win this new and challenging war. But only if we fight the right
enemy." ---The New Hampshire Union Leader
But some Americans, sadly, are not interested in victory. And yet they
want us to believe that their behavior is Patriotic.
Well, it's not."
---Rush Limbaugh