2007-07-12 13:34:28 UTC
In this article a college professor shows how the US now has almost
1,000 military bases in over 150 countries all over the world. He
believes this is an attempt by the US to control the world and
dominate the world's resources. Of America's 1.4 million troops about
1.2 million are currently overseas. If this was really a war on
terrorism wouldn't a greater effort be made to patrol the southern
border of the country where hundreds of people just walk over the
border every day? Couldn't real terrorists just walk into the country,
dressed like Mexicans, with suitcase sized nuclear bombs and blow up
key targets like the Hoover Dam or Niagara Falls?
About $550 billion is now spent annually on "military defense," which
should probably more accurately be called "military offense" because
most of it is spent on overseas military operations and bases, leaving
the country vulnerable to attack, even this invasion of millions of
illegal aliens. This is more than all of the other countries of the
world spend combined. The US could now be called a "Revived Roman
Empire" with bases throughout the countries of the old Roman Empire as
well as most of the world, in close alliance with the old Roman Empire
country the UK. And at the same time all of this military spending is
going on, with little press coverage, there have been annual cutbacks
of programs to help needy Americans and education programs, such as
even the program to help Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Are we
proud to now have this kind of a country? See
1,000 military bases in over 150 countries all over the world. He
believes this is an attempt by the US to control the world and
dominate the world's resources. Of America's 1.4 million troops about
1.2 million are currently overseas. If this was really a war on
terrorism wouldn't a greater effort be made to patrol the southern
border of the country where hundreds of people just walk over the
border every day? Couldn't real terrorists just walk into the country,
dressed like Mexicans, with suitcase sized nuclear bombs and blow up
key targets like the Hoover Dam or Niagara Falls?
About $550 billion is now spent annually on "military defense," which
should probably more accurately be called "military offense" because
most of it is spent on overseas military operations and bases, leaving
the country vulnerable to attack, even this invasion of millions of
illegal aliens. This is more than all of the other countries of the
world spend combined. The US could now be called a "Revived Roman
Empire" with bases throughout the countries of the old Roman Empire as
well as most of the world, in close alliance with the old Roman Empire
country the UK. And at the same time all of this military spending is
going on, with little press coverage, there have been annual cutbacks
of programs to help needy Americans and education programs, such as
even the program to help Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Are we
proud to now have this kind of a country? See