2008-07-21 16:24:29 UTC
Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi recently said on CNN that
President Bush has been a "total failure" on everything from the
economy, to war, to the environment, with "no ideas" on anything. And
I agree. But then why hasn't she moved to impeach him and Cheney a
couple years ago? Bush's policies have gotten us on the verge of a
huge Depression, possibly also near a war with Iran which would
probably also be catastrophic, and she's the one who should have led
the way in impeachment proceedings. Dennis Kucinich has done so with
little support from the mainstream Democratic Party and virtually no
support from the Republican Party.
I mean I favor Barack Obama for president over John McCain, but both
of these guys have surrounded themselves with pro-Israeli advisors.
They are both smart enough politicians to know that you get nowhere in
American politics any more without playing ball with the Israelis.
Look how far Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul got. And there's only a
handful of these independent minded people left in either party. I'm
hoping Barack Obama will be a Bill Clinton type president. At least
Clinton and Obama are smart - college professors. But the Israeli
lobby wanted Clinton to invade Iraq back when he was president and he
balked. Then Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky showed up to get Clinton
impeached for nothing.
Bush is probably the most impeachable president in US history, but he
isn't going to be impeached by our almost unanimously pro-Israeli
Congress unless Israel wants him impeached, and why would they as long
as he does everything they tell him to? Clinton was probably lucky he
didn't get assassinated, because the Israelis are known to have
assassinated President Kennedy because he was too pro-Palestinian for
their liking. And then they assassinated Robert Kennedy and more
recently John F. Kennedy Jr. when it looked like they might become
president. And if Barack Obama looks like he will be too pro-
Palestinian he could be next, because an Israeli fashion designer has
already come out with a T-shirt saying "The Late Barack Obama."
So what's my point? Our founding father George Washington had a vision
of our country one day being invaded. Then in his farewell address he
warned us to "avoid foreign entanglements." I think this man who
prayed and read the Bible hours every day was warning us to avoid a
foreign entanglement with Israel. They've taken over our churches in
recent years. They've gotten us convinced that God likes Israel best
and that Christians should show a partiality toward the Israelis over
the Arabs and Moslems, which is completely unscriptural. The Jewish
religion teaches that only Jews are human beings and the "goyim" or
gentiles, whether Palestinians or American gentiles are animals. They
are very happy to ship our jobs overseas, to bankrupt us with
foreclosures, and in general help the rich Jews get richer and richer
while the rest of us get poorer and poorer. And God will judge this
soon, because He is still on the side of the poor and working class,
as the Bible says. This "foreign entanglement" and President
Washington warned us about could soon bring God's judgment on our
modern political and religious systems unless we repent, come out from
among them and be separate, and prepare for the soon rapture of the
bride of Christ. See
President Bush has been a "total failure" on everything from the
economy, to war, to the environment, with "no ideas" on anything. And
I agree. But then why hasn't she moved to impeach him and Cheney a
couple years ago? Bush's policies have gotten us on the verge of a
huge Depression, possibly also near a war with Iran which would
probably also be catastrophic, and she's the one who should have led
the way in impeachment proceedings. Dennis Kucinich has done so with
little support from the mainstream Democratic Party and virtually no
support from the Republican Party.
I mean I favor Barack Obama for president over John McCain, but both
of these guys have surrounded themselves with pro-Israeli advisors.
They are both smart enough politicians to know that you get nowhere in
American politics any more without playing ball with the Israelis.
Look how far Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul got. And there's only a
handful of these independent minded people left in either party. I'm
hoping Barack Obama will be a Bill Clinton type president. At least
Clinton and Obama are smart - college professors. But the Israeli
lobby wanted Clinton to invade Iraq back when he was president and he
balked. Then Mossad agent Monica Lewinsky showed up to get Clinton
impeached for nothing.
Bush is probably the most impeachable president in US history, but he
isn't going to be impeached by our almost unanimously pro-Israeli
Congress unless Israel wants him impeached, and why would they as long
as he does everything they tell him to? Clinton was probably lucky he
didn't get assassinated, because the Israelis are known to have
assassinated President Kennedy because he was too pro-Palestinian for
their liking. And then they assassinated Robert Kennedy and more
recently John F. Kennedy Jr. when it looked like they might become
president. And if Barack Obama looks like he will be too pro-
Palestinian he could be next, because an Israeli fashion designer has
already come out with a T-shirt saying "The Late Barack Obama."
So what's my point? Our founding father George Washington had a vision
of our country one day being invaded. Then in his farewell address he
warned us to "avoid foreign entanglements." I think this man who
prayed and read the Bible hours every day was warning us to avoid a
foreign entanglement with Israel. They've taken over our churches in
recent years. They've gotten us convinced that God likes Israel best
and that Christians should show a partiality toward the Israelis over
the Arabs and Moslems, which is completely unscriptural. The Jewish
religion teaches that only Jews are human beings and the "goyim" or
gentiles, whether Palestinians or American gentiles are animals. They
are very happy to ship our jobs overseas, to bankrupt us with
foreclosures, and in general help the rich Jews get richer and richer
while the rest of us get poorer and poorer. And God will judge this
soon, because He is still on the side of the poor and working class,
as the Bible says. This "foreign entanglement" and President
Washington warned us about could soon bring God's judgment on our
modern political and religious systems unless we repent, come out from
among them and be separate, and prepare for the soon rapture of the
bride of Christ. See