McCain: "I Was Guilty Of War Crimes Against The Vietnamese People!"
(too old to reply)
2008-08-30 21:57:35 UTC
"I made a confession. I was guilty of war crimes against the
Vietnamese people. I intentionally bombed women and children," Senator
John McCain said in a 1997 interview on 60 Minutes. See
http://www.warpublican.com/blog/?p=128 Are we going to elect an
admitted war criminal to the highest office of our land?
2008-08-31 00:41:46 UTC
Post by RW
"I made a confession. I was guilty of war crimes against the
Vietnamese people. I intentionally bombed women and children," Senator
John McCain said in a 1997 interview on 60 Minutes. See
http://www.warpublican.com/blog/?p=128 Are we going to elect an
admitted war criminal to the highest office of our land?
Yes. Let's impeach him. Oh, wait. He has to get elected first doesn't he.
Never mind.
2008-08-31 19:41:31 UTC
Post by RW
"I made a confession. I was guilty of war crimes against the
Vietnamese people. I intentionally bombed women and children," Senator
John McCain said in a 1997 interview on 60 Minutes. See
http://www.warpublican.com/blog/?p=128 Are we going to elect an
admitted war criminal to the highest office of our land?
You'd have "confessed" too ...

Frankly, I think they just ougtta ORDER our soldiers
to ALWAYS "CONFESS" if captured. This will totally
de-value 'confessions'. Our enemies will quit bothering
with that tactic then ... plus our soldiers will be
spared the 'shame'.

As for tactical information ... the military is pretty
good now about only telling soldiers what THEY need to
know to accomplish THEIR part of a mission. They don't
know any "big picture" stuff - and thus can't blab.

Advances in communications & battlefield electronics
has made this possible. Only the generals need know
the whole strategy - and they can micromanage from
up on high wheras their fathers and grandfathers
would have had to tell the underlings a lot more
charles q
2008-09-03 23:36:05 UTC
Post by RW
"I made a confession. I was guilty of war crimes against the
Vietnamese people. I intentionally bombed women and children," Senator
John McCain said in a 1997 interview on 60 Minutes. Seehttp://www.warpublican.com/blog/?p=128Are we going to elect an
admitted war criminal to the highest office of our land?
So did the rest of us that were over there.I killed kids ,women and
men some were innocents and some were not so that makes ther entire
military criminals according to you'r way of thinking.I take it you
have never been in a war time scenario
