Bill Gates/George W. Bush Conspire To Outsource More American Jobs
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2007-03-11 20:48:51 UTC
It is said that under the Bush administration already more than
10,000,000 good paying American jobs have been outsourced out of the
country, many of these outsourcings even being subsidized by the
American government. Now multi-millionaire George W. Bush and the
world's richest man, billionaire Bill Gates, have met and conspired to
give away even more American jobs in the coming years. See
2007-03-12 06:07:15 UTC
Post by RW
It is said that under the Bush administration already more than
10,000,000 good paying American jobs have been outsourced out of the
country, many of these outsourcings even being subsidized by the
American government. Now multi-millionaire George W. Bush and the
world's richest man, billionaire Bill Gates, have met and conspired to
give away even more American jobs in the coming years. See
Well, it's probably not fair to lump Bill Gates in with Bush. For example,
Bill actually creates jobs, so arguably, they are his to outsource, if he
wants. And why not? Do you think all Microsoft revenue is generated in the
United States? If Microsoft generates about 1/2 their revenue outside the
US, why not hire people in those countries to do the work?

Or, are you saying all Microsoft jobs have to be in the US? I'm sure that
Microsoft would love to only hire Americans. It probably costs a lot of
money to find candidates in other countries. But my guess is that there
aren't enough Americans who meet the job requirements. So, rather than hire
Americans who would do a bad job, they hire really smart Indians, Chinese,
and whatnot. From a 'business survival' point of view, it makes sense.

So, what are you, a programmer wannabe? :-)

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started 2008-04-14 19:57:34 UTC