2007-01-18 15:08:59 UTC
A reporter for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that President
Bush's latest speech might be interpreted as threatening war with Iran
and possibly Syria. The Israeli intelligense website also
reported that Bush's firing of his top generals in Iraq and replacing
them with what they described as one of his most "hawkish" generals,
Admiral Fallon, who has a lot of experience with offensive military
operations, may really be a threat against Iran and Syria.
But in any case we know that the elected government of Iraq doesn't
want more US troops there. They want their own troops armed and trained
and the US leaving. The vast majority of the Iraqi and American people
want the US to leave Iraq. The US Congress doesn't approve of this,
most American military leaders, and even now most American soldiers,
even though they volunteered. Even President Ford released an interview
after his death in which he said the Iraq War was not in America's
national interest and that he never would have gone into Iraq.
I could go on and on about the lawlessness of the Bush administration.
The Bible said in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 that the "mystery of iniquity"
would take over the world in the last days and in the margin it
translates this as "lawlessness." It is said that President Bush is our
first president coming into office with a criminal record, even though
the Bush family has taken great pains over the years to cover that up,
including driving while intoxicated, cocaine possession, and disorderly
conduct. And we have seen a complete contempt from this administration
ever since of all law and order, whether it be the US Constitution, the
Geneva Conventions, or the United Nations Charter. President Bush was
widely reported to have made the comment to a group of Congressional
leaders that the US Constitution is just a "goddamned piece of paper."
If just President Bush were impeached you have Vice President Cheney in
line who thinks just like him, and next in line would be the very
similar Condoleezza Rice, so I think all three of these would have to
be impeached at the same time. Just the charge of falsifying
intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq. No jail time for
anyone, the penalty just being removal from office. I think the next in
line would be Senate leader Harry Reid. At least this would rid our
country of this whole neocon administration, which has done nothing to
benefit the American country or people. See
Bush's latest speech might be interpreted as threatening war with Iran
and possibly Syria. The Israeli intelligense website also
reported that Bush's firing of his top generals in Iraq and replacing
them with what they described as one of his most "hawkish" generals,
Admiral Fallon, who has a lot of experience with offensive military
operations, may really be a threat against Iran and Syria.
But in any case we know that the elected government of Iraq doesn't
want more US troops there. They want their own troops armed and trained
and the US leaving. The vast majority of the Iraqi and American people
want the US to leave Iraq. The US Congress doesn't approve of this,
most American military leaders, and even now most American soldiers,
even though they volunteered. Even President Ford released an interview
after his death in which he said the Iraq War was not in America's
national interest and that he never would have gone into Iraq.
I could go on and on about the lawlessness of the Bush administration.
The Bible said in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 that the "mystery of iniquity"
would take over the world in the last days and in the margin it
translates this as "lawlessness." It is said that President Bush is our
first president coming into office with a criminal record, even though
the Bush family has taken great pains over the years to cover that up,
including driving while intoxicated, cocaine possession, and disorderly
conduct. And we have seen a complete contempt from this administration
ever since of all law and order, whether it be the US Constitution, the
Geneva Conventions, or the United Nations Charter. President Bush was
widely reported to have made the comment to a group of Congressional
leaders that the US Constitution is just a "goddamned piece of paper."
If just President Bush were impeached you have Vice President Cheney in
line who thinks just like him, and next in line would be the very
similar Condoleezza Rice, so I think all three of these would have to
be impeached at the same time. Just the charge of falsifying
intelligence leading up to the invasion of Iraq. No jail time for
anyone, the penalty just being removal from office. I think the next in
line would be Senate leader Harry Reid. At least this would rid our
country of this whole neocon administration, which has done nothing to
benefit the American country or people. See