Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot
(too old to reply)
2006-09-15 17:33:17 UTC
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."

The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
"Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without
--Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French general and statesman
Lloyd King
2006-09-15 19:46:03 UTC
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack.
You got a cite for that? Bin Laden was named an unindicted co-conspirator
in 1995 for some *other* things, like trans-shipping weapons to Saudi
Arabia, but not for the WTC93 bombing. And the key word there is
"unindicted". He was indicted in 1998 for the embassy bombings.
Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
Schroen talks about making all sorts of plans to nab bin Laden at Tarnak and
while traveling, but there was never a time when we could actually have done
it, as the movie portrayed. As Richard Clarke said, on ABC Nightline after
the ABC propaganda piece aired, the Taliban and Al Qaeda had 2 tanks and
machine gun nests all over that place, and the result of an attack would
simply have been that the attackers would have been wiped out and it is
doubtful that bin Laden would have been injured, but he certainly would not
have been captured. Even Schroen estimates the chance of success at
capturing bin Laden at 25%, and he was being ging-ho optimistic.

The best chance we would have had would have been to launch a cruise missile
at him at that time. But that was not a guaranteed success - we tried that
another time and missed. And it would likely have involved killing a number
of women and children. After 9/11, perhaps that's a price we'd be willing
to pay. But before 9/11, it wasn't. The Republicans would have howled in
protest and called Clinton all sorts of "baby killer" names, as they did in
Kosovo and Bosnia. At the time, Republicans weren't complainign that
Clinton wasn't doing enough. Those who even knew the name bin Laden were
complainign that he was doing too much. It is only with the hindsight of
9/11 that they are saying Clinton should have acted on that opportunity.
Kevin Cunningham
2006-09-15 20:38:02 UTC
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
Of course while Pres. Clinton was trying to get al-Queida you repugs were
claiming that this was nothing more than "wagging the dog". Yep, you repugs
said that Ms. Lewinsky was the biggest problem we, 'Muricans', faced. Bin
Laden? Who cares, some middle eastern idiot.
2006-09-15 20:51:29 UTC
Post by Kevin Cunningham
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
Of course while Pres. Clinton was trying to get al-Queida you repugs were
claiming that this was nothing more than "wagging the dog". Yep, you
repugs said that Ms. Lewinsky was the biggest problem we, 'Muricans',
faced. Bin Laden? Who cares, some middle eastern idiot.
republi cons are so filthy and dirty. the repugs will get what they long
deserved in nov. kick the filth pigs to the curb
2006-09-16 01:51:27 UTC
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006 17:33:17 GMT, ***@hotmail.com (SON OF HARRY HOPE)
with the help of a thousand monkeys banging on keyboards, was finally
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
"Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without
--Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French general and statesman
I see Sammy Merrill got a new sock.
ICQ #4610826
2006-09-16 06:02:54 UTC
It amazes me just how much power the rwpublican apologists think Bill
CLinton still has. I mean EVERYTHING that happens in the world, every
day, is consistently answered with, "Well, Clinton..." Why he must
wasily be the single most powerful man in the universe, second only to
God, to still have so much influence and power a full 6 years after
stepping down from the Presidency!

I bet in the rwpublican apologists eyes, he's even powerful enough,
still, to make Chuck Norris weep with envy!
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
"Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without
--Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French general and statesman