2006-09-15 17:33:17 UTC
Perhaps Mr. Clinton forgot that bin Laden had in 1995 been named
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
"Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without
--Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French general and statesman
a conspirator in the first WTC attack. Later, in his testimony
before the 9/11 Commission, Clinton dismissed his own statement as
"inappropriate" which is to say, "truthful."
The 9/11 Commission's own conclusions on the Clinton
administration's accountability are equally telling. In 1998, the
year that al-Qa'ida bombed our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania,
U.S. assets had the opportunity to capture bin Laden at his Tarnak
Farms compound in Afghanistan. According to the Commission's
report, "Before it was canceled, [senior CIA operations officer
in Afghanistan, Gary] Schroen described it as the 'best plan we
are going to come up with to capture [bin Laden] while he is in
Afghanistan and bring him to justice.' No capture plan before
9/11 ever again attained the same level of detail and preparation."
"Authority doesn't work without prestige, or prestige without
--Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) French general and statesman