Americans To Be Tortured For Refusing To Show ID?
(too old to reply)
2006-11-17 05:48:25 UTC
Here's a good example of what George W. Bush has done to this country
in six years. A UCLA student a couple of days ago was repeatedly
tasered by campus police at the university library simply for refusing
to show his ID on demand. Folks, according to our Constitution we're
not supposed to have to show our ID to anyone just for minding our own
business and exercising our rights and freedoms. See
2006-11-18 00:12:42 UTC
Some people seem to imagine this victim was not a UCLA student but a
trespasser. According to the Daily Bruin newsletter (see
http://dailybruin.com/news/articles.asp?id=38958) he is a UCLA student
who had simply forgotten his BruinCard. Student and witness Laila Gordy
says one of the officers threatened to Taser her too when she asked
them for their names and badge numbers. According to Peter Eliasberg,
managing attorney for the ACLU of Southern California, that in itself
is illegal and considered assault. After being Tasered the first time
the victim told the officers he had a medical condition, but they
nevertheless continued to Taser him. One witness, student Carlos
Zaragoza, reports that the victim was Tasered even after he was
handcuffed. See http://ipouya.blogspot.com . The ACLU says 148
Americans have died after being Tasered by police. It seems to me
there's something radically wrong with the training police have been
getting in recent years. In this situation the student had already
started walking toward the door when one of two officers grabbed him.
Then he started yelling "Get off me." It seems to me this situation
should have been handled without any use of a Taser. Even the
instructions coming with the Taser warn against using it on a victim
more than once.
Nicholas Fitzpatrick
2006-11-18 00:26:07 UTC
Post by RW
Some people seem to imagine this victim was not a UCLA student but a
trespasser. According to the Daily Bruin newsletter (see
http://dailybruin.com/news/articles.asp?id=38958) he is a UCLA student
Good grief. Is this for real? That's the most horrifying video I've
ever seen posted on the Internet. What kind of thugs does the
university there hire?

If this is true, I'd imagine that whoever is running the place, will
be resigning shortly ... and there will be some very long jail
Bob Officer
2006-11-18 00:32:24 UTC
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Post by RW
Some people seem to imagine this victim was not a UCLA student but a
trespasser. According to the Daily Bruin newsletter (see
http://dailybruin.com/news/articles.asp?id=38958) he is a UCLA student
Good grief. Is this for real? That's the most horrifying video I've
ever seen posted on the Internet. What kind of thugs does the
university there hire?
Amazing, the police tazering someone while telling him to stand up.
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
If this is true, I'd imagine that whoever is running the place, will
be resigning shortly ... and there will be some very long jail
yes, but the police are not the ones going to jail.
Nicholas Fitzpatrick
2006-11-18 00:43:07 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Good grief. Is this for real? That's the most horrifying video I've
ever seen posted on the Internet. What kind of thugs does the
university there hire?
Amazing, the police tazering someone while telling him to stand up.
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
If this is true, I'd imagine that whoever is running the place, will
be resigning shortly ... and there will be some very long jail
yes, but the police are not the ones going to jail.
Who would be then? The dean?
Bob Officer
2006-11-18 00:51:36 UTC
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Good grief. Is this for real? That's the most horrifying video I've
ever seen posted on the Internet. What kind of thugs does the
university there hire?
Amazing, the police tazering someone while telling him to stand up.
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
If this is true, I'd imagine that whoever is running the place, will
be resigning shortly ... and there will be some very long jail
yes, but the police are not the ones going to jail.
Who would be then? The dean?
From what I read the student went to Jail, Charged and Released on

The students statement was he refused to show an ID because he felt
he was being profiled and singled out because of outward appearances.

in the entire library he was the only person asked for his student
ID. The charge IIRC is resisting arrest and refusal to follow
instructions to stand up. It is hard to stand when you are being
Nicholas Fitzpatrick
2006-11-18 01:22:13 UTC
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Who would be then? The dean?
From what I read the student went to Jail, Charged and Released on
I can't believe that a school would arrest one it's own students simply
for not showing an ID, in their library! If that had happened here,
I think the university security office would have been leveled to
the ground by now. Not that anyone would have let the rent-a-cops
back then carry a stick, let alone a taser.
Post by Bob Officer
The students statement was he refused to show an ID because he felt
he was being profiled and singled out because of outward appearances.
in the entire library he was the only person asked for his student
ID. The charge IIRC is resisting arrest and refusal to follow
instructions to stand up. It is hard to stand when you are being
It is indeed ... what horrible people they must have hired there, to
have done such a crime. Why would you not think they wouldn't be
arrested? You can hear the other students shouting at the "police"
in the video, to stop it. That certainly isn't normal behaviour when
there is police action going on! I'm surprised the students didn't
take out the police themselves.
Bob Officer
2006-11-18 02:49:35 UTC
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Post by Bob Officer
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Who would be then? The dean?
From what I read the student went to Jail, Charged and Released on
I can't believe that a school would arrest one it's own students simply
for not showing an ID, in their library! If that had happened here,
I think the university security office would have been leveled to
the ground by now. Not that anyone would have let the rent-a-cops
back then carry a stick, let alone a taser.
All the gains made in the 60s have been lost. most grammar school
children now wear ID badges/ carry identity papers.

Soon I expect black trench coated thugs wearing HLS arm bands to
stopping people on the street and ask them for their *Papers*.

Cattle cars for transportation to the holding facilities. Those old
Camps left over from WW2 can be reused or can be built rather
Post by Nicholas Fitzpatrick
Post by Bob Officer
The students statement was he refused to show an ID because he felt
he was being profiled and singled out because of outward appearances.
in the entire library he was the only person asked for his student
ID. The charge IIRC is resisting arrest and refusal to follow
instructions to stand up. It is hard to stand when you are being
It is indeed ... what horrible people they must have hired there, to
have done such a crime. Why would you not think they wouldn't be
arrested? You can hear the other students shouting at the "police"
in the video, to stop it. That certainly isn't normal behaviour when
there is police action going on! I'm surprised the students didn't
take out the police themselves.
Most of them are not the students of the 60's.