Most active newsgroups?
(too old to reply)
2010-11-03 02:41:08 UTC
Where can I find some data about which are the most active big 8
newsgroups? By active I mean the amount of messages sent that are not
spam. It seems to me that 95% of the newsgroups see only a few messages
per month but there are some that are still very very active.

2013-03-09 13:21:37 UTC
Post by krel
Where can I find some data about which are the most active big 8
newsgroups? By active I mean the amount of messages sent that are not
spam. It seems to me that 95% of the newsgroups see only a few messages
per month but there are some that are still very very active.
Text newsgroups Most active:
1 news.admin.net-abuse.email 653 0.015
2 alt.support.diet.low-carb 519 0.012
3 newsguy.general 463 0.011
4 it.discussioni.consumatori.tutela 451 0.011
5 alt.tv.iron-chef 441 0.01
6 rec.sport.pro-wrestling 359 0.008
7 alt.gossip.celebrities 342 0.008
8 alt.tv.sopranos 340 0.008
9 rec.arts.sf.composition 337 0.008
10 demon.local 316 0.007
11 rec.crafts.metalworking 315 0.007
12 alt.dss.hack 304 0.007
13 rec.woodworking 301 0.007
14 de.alt.dateien.weibsbilder 295 0.007
15 edm.forsale 290 0.007
16 newsguy.whipinstitch 287 0.007
17 alt.fashion 286 0.007
18 rec.arts.sf.fandom 277 0.006
19 alt.sports.basketball.nba.la-lakers 272 0.006
20 alt.funk-you 250 0.006
21 alt.video.dvdr 227 0.005
22 rec.arts.comics.strips 223 0.005
23 alt.religion.christian 222 0.005
24 dfw.forsale 205 0.005
25 rec.autos.sport.nascar 204 0.005
26 nz.general 195 0.005
27 rec.arts.movies.erotica 195 0.005
28 rec.antiques.radio+phono 189 0.004
29 alt.tv.survivor 172 0.004
30 rec.sport.golf 167 0.004
31 alt.sports.football.pro.ny-giants 166 0.004
32 rec.games.pinball 164 0.004
33 pl.comp.sys.palm 158 0.004
34 alt.games.diablo2 158 0.004
35 alt.usenet.offline-reader.forte-agent 157 0.004
36 rec.audio.pro 154 0.004
37 alt.pantyhose 153 0.004
38 rec.arts.sf.written 153 0.004
39 alt.sysadmin.recovery 151 0.004
40 alt.dbs.echostar 148 0.003
41 rec.arts.movies.current-films 144 0.003
42 pl.comp.os.linux 144 0.003
43 rec.travel.europe 143 0.003
44 misc.fitness.weights 142 0.003
45 uk.transport 141 0.003
46 alt.os.linux.mandrake 140 0.003
47 rec.arts.anime.misc 137 0.003
48 comp.os.linux.misc 132 0.003
49 alt.video.dvd 119 0.003
50 alt.tv.angel 118 0.003
51 misc.kids 118 0.003
52 alt.music.monkees 118 0.003
53 rec.models.rockets 117 0.003
54 alt.home.repair 117 0.003
55 newsguy.mygirls 117 0.003
56 misc.survivalism 116 0.003
57 alt.autos.corvette 116 0.003
58 rec.photo.digital 111 0.003
59 dfw.politics 110 0.003
60 rec.arts.poems 110 0.003
61 rec.radio.shortwave 109 0.003
62 comp.sys.hp.hardware 108 0.003
63 comp.lang.c++ 107 0.002
64 soc.sexuality.spanking 106 0.002
65 rec.equestrian 106 0.002
66 alt.sports.baseball.ny-yankees 106 0.002
67 alt.fan.cecil-adams 105 0.002
68 alt.fan.howard-stern 105 0.002
69 rec.arts.tv 104 0.002
70 comp.sys.mac.system 104 0.002
71 sci.astro.amateur 103 0.002
72 news.software.readers 99 0.002
73 pl.comp.os.advocacy 98 0.002
74 alt.tasteless 98 0.002
75 comp.os.linux.advocacy 97 0.002
76 alt.religion.christian.baptist 95 0.002
77 alt.usage.english 92 0.002
78 uk.legal 92 0.002
79 alt.support.childfree 89 0.002
80 rec.guns 86 0.002
81 misc.consumers.frugal-living 86 0.002
82 comp.lang.c 85 0.002
83 uk.adverts.computer 85 0.002
84 rec.motorcycles 80 0.002
85 comp.unix.solaris 80 0.002
86 edm.general 80 0.002
87 newsguy.just.us 80 0.002
88 newsguy.generic.juggies 79 0.002
89 sci.geo.satellite-nav 78 0.002
90 alt.os.linux 77 0.002
91 rec.arts.drwho.moderated 76 0.002
92 comp.lang.php 75 0.002
93 ott.general 75 0.002
94 tw.bbs.soc.politics 75 0.002
95 alt.true-crime 74 0.002
96 comp.sys.palmtops.pilot 74 0.002
97 uk.media.radio.archers 73 0.002
98 alt.smokers.cigars 73 0.002
99 rec.travel.cruises 72 0.002
100 alt.games.video.xbox 72 0.002
Charlie Gillespie
2013-10-14 03:46:25 UTC
Post by krel
Where can I find some data about which are the most active big 8
newsgroups? By active I mean the amount of messages sent that are not
spam. It seems to me that 95% of the newsgroups see only a few messages
per month but there are some that are still very very active.
http://usenetstats.com/top100reads.php is the best I could find. It
shows the non-binary (at the bottom) newsgroups by posts read.
2018-09-12 14:44:57 UTC
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