2006-09-11 20:10:39 UTC
"[L]iberals can never abandon the idea that we must soothe
savage beasts with appeasement---whether they're dealing
with murderers like Willie Horton or Islamic terrorists. Then
the beast eats you. There are only two choices with savages:
Fight or run. Democrats always want to run, but they dress
it up in meaningless catchphrases like 'diplomacy,' 'detente,'
'engagement,' 'multilateral engagement,' 'multilateral diplomacy,'
'containment' and 'going to the U.N.' I guess they figure, 'Hey,
appeasement worked pretty well with... uh... wait, I know this
one... ummm... tip of my tongue...' Democrats like to talk tough,
but you can never trap them into fighting. There is always an
obscure objection to be raised in this particular instance---but in
some future war they would be intrepid! One simply can't imagine
what that war would be." ---Ann Coulter
"The torment of human frustration, whatever its immediate cause, is
the knowledge that the self is in prison, its vital force and 'mangled
mind' leaking away in lonely, wasteful self-conflict."
--Elizabeth Drew (1935- ) US journalist
savage beasts with appeasement---whether they're dealing
with murderers like Willie Horton or Islamic terrorists. Then
the beast eats you. There are only two choices with savages:
Fight or run. Democrats always want to run, but they dress
it up in meaningless catchphrases like 'diplomacy,' 'detente,'
'engagement,' 'multilateral engagement,' 'multilateral diplomacy,'
'containment' and 'going to the U.N.' I guess they figure, 'Hey,
appeasement worked pretty well with... uh... wait, I know this
one... ummm... tip of my tongue...' Democrats like to talk tough,
but you can never trap them into fighting. There is always an
obscure objection to be raised in this particular instance---but in
some future war they would be intrepid! One simply can't imagine
what that war would be." ---Ann Coulter
"The torment of human frustration, whatever its immediate cause, is
the knowledge that the self is in prison, its vital force and 'mangled
mind' leaking away in lonely, wasteful self-conflict."
--Elizabeth Drew (1935- ) US journalist