2007-01-15 05:31:11 UTC
A lot of people don't realize that over 100,000 foreign contractors are
now in Iraq, in addition to the 140,000 troops, according to the US
Census Bureau. Over 300 of them have died since 2003. President Bush
has already increased the US military budget from $300 billion a year
to over $450 billion a year. This represents huge and lucrative US
government contracts to a host of defense related industries. At the
same time Bush has reduced taxes to the wealthiest Americans, while
simultaneously reducing benefits and student loans to the poorest
Americans. Wealthy people like George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and
Condoleezza Rice are making a lot of money off this war, and that's one
reason they don't want to leave. See
now in Iraq, in addition to the 140,000 troops, according to the US
Census Bureau. Over 300 of them have died since 2003. President Bush
has already increased the US military budget from $300 billion a year
to over $450 billion a year. This represents huge and lucrative US
government contracts to a host of defense related industries. At the
same time Bush has reduced taxes to the wealthiest Americans, while
simultaneously reducing benefits and student loans to the poorest
Americans. Wealthy people like George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and
Condoleezza Rice are making a lot of money off this war, and that's one
reason they don't want to leave. See