2009-03-17 16:46:37 UTC
Obama's Attack on Medical Civil Liberties
Sunday, March 15, 2009 5:23 PM
By: Newt Gingrich and Rick Tyler
Candidate Barack Obama offered a compelling but formless message of hope
and change. Many Americans desiring a new national direction filled his
empty rhetorical vessels with their dreams and aspirations. It worked.
But now, obliged by his office, President Obama is giving those words
definition and shape bewildering even some of his most ardent supporters.
While the media remain fixated on a slumping economy that gets sicker
with each punishing presidential prescription, a different set of
defining and similarly freedom-diminishing policy directives emerging
from the White House goes dissimilarly unnoticed.
Earlier this month, the President took the first step in rescinding a
Bush administration moral conscience regulation which enforces existing
legal protections against discrimination and intimidation for doctors
and other healthcare professionals who invoke conscience by refusing to
participate in medical procedures they believe immoral.
The rule, which was finalized last year placed no restriction upon any
legal medical procedure; it simply brought the executive branch into
compliance with several existing laws including:
Sunday, March 15, 2009 5:23 PM
By: Newt Gingrich and Rick Tyler
Candidate Barack Obama offered a compelling but formless message of hope
and change. Many Americans desiring a new national direction filled his
empty rhetorical vessels with their dreams and aspirations. It worked.
But now, obliged by his office, President Obama is giving those words
definition and shape bewildering even some of his most ardent supporters.
While the media remain fixated on a slumping economy that gets sicker
with each punishing presidential prescription, a different set of
defining and similarly freedom-diminishing policy directives emerging
from the White House goes dissimilarly unnoticed.
Earlier this month, the President took the first step in rescinding a
Bush administration moral conscience regulation which enforces existing
legal protections against discrimination and intimidation for doctors
and other healthcare professionals who invoke conscience by refusing to
participate in medical procedures they believe immoral.
The rule, which was finalized last year placed no restriction upon any
legal medical procedure; it simply brought the executive branch into
compliance with several existing laws including: