Become A Hillraiser: Support Hillary Clinton For President
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2007-07-31 14:27:49 UTC
Let's face it. As of now Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic
nominee for president. The only Democratic challenger that might have
a chance against her would be Al Gore. And Hillary is a strong
candidate. Her husband, Bill, was and is still very popular, and he
has pledged to campaign for her. In a recent poll the majority of
Americans believe it's time for a woman as president. She has
committed to get the US out of the unpopular War in Iraq, while Ron
Paul is the only Republican candidate to have done so. Not only would
Hillary bring us a new foreign policy but also change the direction of
domestic policy. Social programs for Americans that have been cut
every year by the Bush administration, such as education programs and
Women, Infants, and Children program, would begin getting their
funding back. It's obvious we need a change of direction in this
country, and it's equally obvious that the leading Republican Party
candidates, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Fred
Thompson, would largely continue the status quo in both foreign and
domestic policy. Why not hit the "Sign Up As A Supporter" link to at
the website below to sign up as a supporter for Hillary at her
official website? While you're at it, please also click the "Add to
Technorati Favorites" link there to help this blog get the word out
about the importance of supporting Hillary Clinton for president.

Mike Goff
2007-08-01 14:47:07 UTC
Post by RW
Social programs for Americans that have been cut
every year by the Bush administration,
The key word is social which is short for socialist. Which is also a word
that was once used to describe russia--United Soviet Socialist Republic.
Post by RW
Women, Infants, and Children program, would begin getting their
funding back.
Yes to Kill innocent babies with government abortions payed for by the tax
2007-08-02 03:58:46 UTC
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Mike Goff
2007-08-02 04:40:02 UTC
Post by unknown
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Bush is anti abortion so you obviously do not know your a-- from a hole in
the ground.
2007-08-03 01:01:57 UTC
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.

You're a bushkultie, you're filled with
hate for humanity.
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Mike Goff
2007-08-03 12:27:13 UTC
Post by unknown
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
What information do you have to support this claim. If this is just the
empty ramblings of an enviromentalist. Then you can point your finger a bill
clinton who signed NAFTA into law which by doing so caused companies to move
out of the United States and into countries that have no enviromental
regulations whatsoever. I have never seen or heard on the news that bush is
killing women and childred so I will be waiting for your information.
Hatto von Aquitanien
2007-08-03 14:57:38 UTC
Post by Mike Goff
Post by unknown
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
What information do you have to support this claim. If this is just the
empty ramblings of an enviromentalist. Then you can point your finger a
bill clinton who signed NAFTA into law which by doing so caused companies
to move out of the United States and into countries that have no
enviromental regulations whatsoever. I have never seen or heard on the
news that bush is killing women and childred so I will be waiting for your
Virtus Tutissima Cassis
2007-08-03 15:23:42 UTC
Post by Mike Goff
Post by unknown
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
What information do you have to support this claim. If this is just the
empty ramblings of an enviromentalist. Then you can point your finger a bill
clinton who signed NAFTA into law which by doing so caused companies to move
out of the United States and into countries that have no enviromental
regulations whatsoever. I have never seen or heard on the news that bush is
killing women and childred so I will be waiting for your information.
I have inside information that not only does Bush kill women and
children, he drinks their blood and eats the entrails. Raw.
Steaming. Cheney prefers torture videos.
Hatto von Aquitanien
2007-08-03 17:54:06 UTC
Post by p***@gmail.com
<* US *> wrote in
Post by unknown
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
What information do you have to support this claim. If this is just the
empty ramblings of an enviromentalist. Then you can point your finger a
bill clinton who signed NAFTA into law which by doing so caused companies
to move out of the United States and into countries that have no
enviromental regulations whatsoever. I have never seen or heard on the
news that bush is killing women and childred so I will be waiting for
your information.
I have inside information that not only does Bush kill women and
children, he drinks their blood and eats the entrails. Raw.
Steaming. Cheney prefers torture videos.
Virtus Tutissima Cassis
2007-08-06 01:46:02 UTC
Post by Mike Goff
What information do you have
The info anyone able to use a basic search
engine could have ...

Why are you so helplessly ignorant?
Post by Mike Goff
empty ramblings ...
They're all you have.
Post by Mike Goff
... I have never seen ...
You have your head up your ass.

Post by Mike Goff
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.

You're a bushkultie, you're filled with
hate for humanity.
Post by Mike Goff
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Mike Goff
2007-08-06 13:42:13 UTC
If You are going strictly by what you read on the internet then You are the
one who is Helplessly ignorant. I know small minded people like you will
believe anything the Liberal minded internet tells them no matter who writes
it. Of all the articles that are attached here they claim something is fact
without giving any scientific data or any previous data from a resent
president. Of course they do not want no comparisons made. And they know you
will believe any garbage they write.
Post by unknown
Post by Mike Goff
What information do you have
The info anyone able to use a basic search
engine could have ...
Why are you so helplessly ignorant?
Post by Mike Goff
empty ramblings ...
They're all you have.
Post by Mike Goff
... I have never seen ...
You have your head up your ass.
Post by Mike Goff
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
You're a bushkultie, you're filled with
hate for humanity.
Post by Mike Goff
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
2007-08-06 14:46:34 UTC
one who is Helplessly ignorant. I ...
You do seem inordinately clueless.

You're also utterly unable to refute
the fact that Bush harms innocents.
What information do you have
The info anyone able to use a basic search
engine could have ...

Why are you so helplessly ignorant?
empty ramblings ...
They're all you have.
... I have never seen ...
You have your head up your ass.

Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.

You're a bushkultie, you're filled with
hate for humanity.
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Hatto von Aquitanien
2007-08-06 16:51:37 UTC
Post by Mike Goff
If You are going strictly by what you read on the internet then You are
the one who is Helplessly ignorant. I know small minded people like you
will believe anything the Liberal minded internet tells them no matter who
writes it. Of all the articles that are attached here they claim something
is fact without giving any scientific data or any previous data from a
resent president. Of course they do not want no comparisons made. And they
know you will believe any garbage they write.
Post by Mike Goff
Post by unknown
Post by Mike Goff
What information do you have
The info anyone able to use a basic search
engine could have ...
Why are you so helplessly ignorant?
Post by Mike Goff
empty ramblings ...
They're all you have.
Post by Mike Goff
... I have never seen ...
You have your head up your ass.
Post by Mike Goff
Bush is anti abortion ...
Yet when he isn't mass-murdering
pregnant women and their children
he's forcing women to abort with
environmental toxins.
You're a bushkultie, you're filled with
hate for humanity.
Post by Mike Goff
Yes to Kill innocent babies ...
You're really into that if you support Bush.
Virtus Tutissima Cassis
2007-08-03 03:04:43 UTC
Post by RW
Let's face it. As of now Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic
nominee for president.
Oh bullshit. I don't see how a pro war candidate can get nominated.
There are going to be some big surprises in the primaries. Besides,
this "resistance is futile" appeal is a huge turnoff.
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