2007-07-31 14:27:49 UTC
Let's face it. As of now Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic
nominee for president. The only Democratic challenger that might have
a chance against her would be Al Gore. And Hillary is a strong
candidate. Her husband, Bill, was and is still very popular, and he
has pledged to campaign for her. In a recent poll the majority of
Americans believe it's time for a woman as president. She has
committed to get the US out of the unpopular War in Iraq, while Ron
Paul is the only Republican candidate to have done so. Not only would
Hillary bring us a new foreign policy but also change the direction of
domestic policy. Social programs for Americans that have been cut
every year by the Bush administration, such as education programs and
Women, Infants, and Children program, would begin getting their
funding back. It's obvious we need a change of direction in this
country, and it's equally obvious that the leading Republican Party
candidates, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Fred
Thompson, would largely continue the status quo in both foreign and
domestic policy. Why not hit the "Sign Up As A Supporter" link to at
the website below to sign up as a supporter for Hillary at her
official website? While you're at it, please also click the "Add to
Technorati Favorites" link there to help this blog get the word out
about the importance of supporting Hillary Clinton for president.
nominee for president. The only Democratic challenger that might have
a chance against her would be Al Gore. And Hillary is a strong
candidate. Her husband, Bill, was and is still very popular, and he
has pledged to campaign for her. In a recent poll the majority of
Americans believe it's time for a woman as president. She has
committed to get the US out of the unpopular War in Iraq, while Ron
Paul is the only Republican candidate to have done so. Not only would
Hillary bring us a new foreign policy but also change the direction of
domestic policy. Social programs for Americans that have been cut
every year by the Bush administration, such as education programs and
Women, Infants, and Children program, would begin getting their
funding back. It's obvious we need a change of direction in this
country, and it's equally obvious that the leading Republican Party
candidates, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Fred
Thompson, would largely continue the status quo in both foreign and
domestic policy. Why not hit the "Sign Up As A Supporter" link to at
the website below to sign up as a supporter for Hillary at her
official website? While you're at it, please also click the "Add to
Technorati Favorites" link there to help this blog get the word out
about the importance of supporting Hillary Clinton for president.