2007-11-01 16:18:55 UTC
Michael Mukasey, President Bush's new appointee for Attorney General,
seems at least as bad as Bush's two previous Attorney Generals,
controversial John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalez. This man obviously
wants to continue the program to strip away Americans' freedom that
veterans fought and died to preserve. The Senate should reject this
proponent of turning the US into a fascist police state and tell Bush
to send them someone who believes in and will uphold our Constitution.
seems at least as bad as Bush's two previous Attorney Generals,
controversial John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzalez. This man obviously
wants to continue the program to strip away Americans' freedom that
veterans fought and died to preserve. The Senate should reject this
proponent of turning the US into a fascist police state and tell Bush
to send them someone who believes in and will uphold our Constitution.