2008-10-26 22:09:57 UTC
We know that John McCain has a very violent temper. He admitted in his
autobiography that he has gotten so angry on several occasions
throughout his life that he has passed out. He got so angry on one
occasion when the 90+ year old Senator Strom Thurmond politely
interrupted him during a speech that he allegedly shoved Senator
Thurmond after completing his speech. He also allegedly got so angry
at a group of families of POW/MIAs that he barged violently through
the group to an elevator, sending one woman flying and shoving another
woman in a wheelchair, to the point that the group submitted an ethics
complaint for assault to the capital police against him. McCain has
joked about beating his wife, another example of his weird sense of
humor, joking about when he stopped beating his wife. But Counterpunch
Magazine says two Phoenix emergency room physicians off the record
told them they treated Cindy McCain for injuries associated with
domestic violence, including bruises and a black eye, three times
between 1988 and 1993. See
autobiography that he has gotten so angry on several occasions
throughout his life that he has passed out. He got so angry on one
occasion when the 90+ year old Senator Strom Thurmond politely
interrupted him during a speech that he allegedly shoved Senator
Thurmond after completing his speech. He also allegedly got so angry
at a group of families of POW/MIAs that he barged violently through
the group to an elevator, sending one woman flying and shoving another
woman in a wheelchair, to the point that the group submitted an ethics
complaint for assault to the capital police against him. McCain has
joked about beating his wife, another example of his weird sense of
humor, joking about when he stopped beating his wife. But Counterpunch
Magazine says two Phoenix emergency room physicians off the record
told them they treated Cindy McCain for injuries associated with
domestic violence, including bruises and a black eye, three times
between 1988 and 1993. See