2006-09-12 17:49:29 UTC
"Terror Expert Warns NYC Still a Target"--headline, Associated Press,
Sept. 8
"Experts: 9/11 Won't Be the Last Attack"--headline, Associated Press,
Sept. 9
"Oh, don't the days seem lank and long,/ When all goes right and
nothing goes wrong,/ And isn't your life extremely flat,/ When you've
nothing whatever to grumble at?"
--Sir William Gilbert (1836-1911) English Playwright and Poet.
Sept. 8
"Experts: 9/11 Won't Be the Last Attack"--headline, Associated Press,
Sept. 9
"Oh, don't the days seem lank and long,/ When all goes right and
nothing goes wrong,/ And isn't your life extremely flat,/ When you've
nothing whatever to grumble at?"
--Sir William Gilbert (1836-1911) English Playwright and Poet.