Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
(too old to reply)
2009-02-26 23:52:58 UTC
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM

By: Jim Hirsen
Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the United Nations’
view on man-made global warming with a report asserting that “this
hypothesis has been substituted for truth.”
Three of the five researchers involved in the report disagree with the
view of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that
recent warming is due primarily to industrial emissions of greenhouse
gases, and say it is instead driven by natural cycles.
The report was issued by the Japan Society of Energy and Resources, an
academic group representing scientists from the energy and resource
fields that acts as a government advisory panel. The report has been
translated from the Japanese by The Register in Britain.
Kanya Kusano, Program Director for the Earth Simulator at the Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, compares computer climate
modeling used to support the man-made global warming theory to “ancient
He states that the IPCC’s “conclusion that from now on atmospheric
temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonous increase should
be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis.”
Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in
Alaska, agrees: “IPCC’s theory that atmospheric temperature has risen
since 2000 in correspondence with [carbon dioxide increases] is nothing
but a hypothesis.”
Among the points made in the report:
CO2 emissions began to increase significantly after 1946 and are still
rising. Therefore, according to the IPCC, global atmospheric
temperatures should continue to increase. However, temperatures stopped
increasing in 2001.
The global temperature increase up to today is primarily a recovery from
the “Little Ice Age” that earth experienced from 1400 to 1800. This rise
peaked in 2000.
Global warming and the “halting of the temperature rise are related to
solar activity.”
Despite the continuing controversy and uncertainty surrounding the
claims of man-made global warming, efforts to influence major climate
change legislation in Washington are heating up.
An analysis by the Center for Public Integrity found that more than 770
companies and interest groups hired an estimated 2,340 lobbyists in the
past year to influence federal policy.
Politico.com notes that since 2003, the number of global warming
lobbyists has risen by more than 300 percent, and “Washington can now
boast more than four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.”


Change you can believe in.
Beam Me Up Scotty
2009-02-27 00:10:28 UTC
Post by Archangel
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM
By: Jim Hirsen
Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the United Nations’
view on man-made global warming with a report asserting that “this
hypothesis has been substituted for truth.”
Three of the five researchers involved in the report disagree with the
view of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that
recent warming is due primarily to industrial emissions of greenhouse
gases, and say it is instead driven by natural cycles.
The report was issued by the Japan Society of Energy and Resources, an
academic group representing scientists from the energy and resource
fields that acts as a government advisory panel. The report has been
translated from the Japanese by The Register in Britain.
Kanya Kusano, Program Director for the Earth Simulator at the Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, compares computer climate
modeling used to support the man-made global warming theory to “ancient
He states that the IPCC’s “conclusion that from now on atmospheric
temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonous increase should
be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis.”
Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in
Alaska, agrees: “IPCC’s theory that atmospheric temperature has risen
since 2000 in correspondence with [carbon dioxide increases] is nothing
but a hypothesis.”
CO2 emissions began to increase significantly after 1946 and are still
rising. Therefore, according to the IPCC, global atmospheric
temperatures should continue to increase. However, temperatures stopped
increasing in 2001.
The global temperature increase up to today is primarily a recovery from
the “Little Ice Age” that earth experienced from 1400 to 1800. This rise
peaked in 2000.
Global warming and the “halting of the temperature rise are related to
solar activity.”
Despite the continuing controversy and uncertainty surrounding the
claims of man-made global warming, efforts to influence major climate
change legislation in Washington are heating up.
An analysis by the Center for Public Integrity found that more than 770
companies and interest groups hired an estimated 2,340 lobbyists in the
past year to influence federal policy.
Politico.com notes that since 2003, the number of global warming
lobbyists has risen by more than 300 percent, and “Washington can now
boast more than four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.”
Change you can believe in.
Obama has big plans for that Carbon tax in his new 3.5 trillion dollar
Budget.... Obama's budget is already fantasy, why not start this
Budget with "Once upon a time".
2009-02-27 05:14:42 UTC
Post by Archangel
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM
you can always tell rightwingspew; ten thousand websites, blogs, and
usenet posters repeat absolutely verbatim. kind of like repeating the
Beam Me Up Scotty
2009-02-27 15:26:43 UTC
Post by z
Post by Archangel
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM
you can always tell rightwingspew; ten thousand websites, blogs, and
usenet posters repeat absolutely verbatim. kind of like repeating the
Probably because you'll never hear it on CBS or MSNBC or the Liberal
"NEWS" anywhere on the planet... that the planet isn't warming.

The internet and AM radio are the only things to balance the Liberal TV
propaganda, and it doesn't actually balance it, it only tilts things too
be not as badly lopsided.
2009-02-28 07:45:26 UTC
Post by Beam Me Up Scotty
Post by z
you can always tell rightwingspew; ten thousand websites, blogs, and
usenet posters repeat absolutely verbatim. kind of like repeating the
Probably because you'll never hear it on CBS or MSNBC or the Liberal
"NEWS" anywhere on the planet... that the planet isn't warming.
yeah, you'll never hear them tell you that evolution is a myth either.
that liberal bias again.
Post by Beam Me Up Scotty
The internet and AM radio are the only things to balance the Liberal TV
propaganda, and it doesn't actually balance it, it only tilts things too
be not as badly lopsided.
too bad you weren't concerned about liberal propaganda previously; you
could have been telling us "that the planet isn't warming" in 1982,
and in 1984, and in 1988, and in 1996, and in 1999, and in 2005. Here,
present this graph as proof "that the planet isn't warming".

See if you can comprehend this:
"The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) requires the calculation
of averages for consecutive periods of 30 years, ... Thirty years was
chosen as a period long enough to eliminate year-to-year variations."
2009-02-27 18:37:13 UTC
Post by Archangel
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM
Japan Society of Energy and Resources
And just who is the JSE&R?

Vice President: Mr. T. Hattori (President, Japan Atomic Industrial
Forum, INC, Adviser, Tokyo Electric Power Co., Ltd)

Vice President: Mr.H.Nakatani (Advisor, Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Chairman,
Osaka Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd.)

Director for General Affairs: Mr. Y. Kato (Executive Officer, Research
& Development, The Kansai Electric Power Co., INC)

Sounds like one of Dickl Cheney's impartial energy panels.

WB Yeats
Bandied leg chimp loader.
2009-02-28 09:54:34 UTC
Post by Archangel
Japanese: U.N. Man-Made Global Warming Theory Like 'Ancient Astrology'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 4:04 PM
By: Jim Hirsen
Japanese scientists have made a dramatic break with the United Nations’
view on man-made global warming with a report asserting that “this
hypothesis has been substituted for truth.”
Three of the five researchers involved in the report disagree with the
view of the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that
recent warming is due primarily to industrial emissions of greenhouse
gases, and say it is instead driven by natural cycles.
The report was issued by the Japan Society of Energy and Resources, an
academic group representing scientists from the energy and resource
fields that acts as a government advisory panel. The report has been
translated from the Japanese by The Register in Britain.
Kanya Kusano, Program Director for the Earth Simulator at the Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology, compares computer climate
modeling used to support the man-made global warming theory to “ancient
He states that the IPCC’s “conclusion that from now on atmospheric
temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonous increase should
be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis.”
Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in
Alaska, agrees: “IPCC’s theory that atmospheric temperature has risen
since 2000 in correspondence with [carbon dioxide increases] is nothing
but a hypothesis.”
CO2 emissions began to increase significantly after 1946 and are still
rising. Therefore, according to the IPCC, global atmospheric
temperatures should continue to increase. However, temperatures stopped
increasing in 2001.
The global temperature increase up to today is primarily a recovery from
the “Little Ice Age” that earth experienced from 1400 to 1800. This rise
peaked in 2000.
Global warming and the “halting of the temperature rise are related to
solar activity.”
Despite the continuing controversy and uncertainty surrounding the
claims of man-made global warming, efforts to influence major climate
change legislation in Washington are heating up.
An analysis by the Center for Public Integrity found that more than 770
companies and interest groups hired an estimated 2,340 lobbyists in the
past year to influence federal policy.
Politico.com notes that since 2003, the number of global warming
lobbyists has risen by more than 300 percent, and “Washington can now
boast more than four climate lobbyists for every member of Congress.”
Change you can believe in.
It's great that scientists are debating this theory. What is
disappointing, though, are the non-scientists who hunt the internet
looking for any article that supports their political belief, perhaps
not realizing that it's possible to find scientists on both sides of
this issue. Posting a scientific report supporting your belief does
not prove your belief; it only proves that you either are blinded by
your beliefs or you think those reading your post aren't smart enough
to realize that scientists are still debating the cause or causes of
global warming.

This is Hell is one of the best political talk shows on the air. The
host, Chuck Mertz, asks intelligent, probing questions and gives the
guests as much time as needed to answer. Past guests have included
Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Dean Baker, Greg Palast, and many more
luminaries of political thought.

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