2008-11-15 06:01:24 UTC
Jesus Christ told us to watch for the signs. He didn't say to look for
mathematical formulas. Jack Van Impe lately is preaching Nostradamus'
prediction that the world will end in December of 2012. But Jesus said
no one will know the day or hour. It will come as a snare on the
people of the world. Men will say "peace and safety" but sudden
destruction will come upon them. So we need to get ready and stay
ready. The Bible said in James chapter 5 that Jesus is coming to
punish the rich who have oppressed the workers and who have hoarded up
gold and silver. Outsourcing millions of jobs overseas I think is one
form of oppressing workers with their wages. The Bible said the
workman is worthy of his hire. When you oppress the poor and needy
people and the working class you are putting yourself in the position
of an enemy of God. There's a very simple cure for the problem of
being too rich, and that is to sell what you have and give it to the
poor. St Francis of Assissi did that. He was wealthy but gave all he
had to the poor and lived in poverty himself the rest of his life. The
Bible says the only way a rich person can make it to heaven is to be
ready to distribute and willing to communicate. 1 Timothy 6:17-19. The
Bible says we are to watch and pray always that we may be found worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before
the Son of Man. Luke 21:34-36. Zephaniah 2:3 says we are to seek
meekness and righteousness so we may be found worthy to be hid away in
the day of the Lord's wrath. I believe there will be a big war that
will happen very unexpectedly, and may involve the United States of
America. The Bible says the rapture will be as the days of Sodom and
Gomorrha. Sodom and Gomorrha were judged by God very unexpectedly, not
only for the sin of homosexuality, now very widespread, but also pride
and not helping the poor. Sounds luke a picture of the modern day
United States of America. But Lot and his family were escorted out by
angels just before the destruction fell. Angels of God will soon also
escort us who are ready out of here to heaven to avoid the coming
calamities. I think the poor, maimed, halt and blind will go. The
little children under the age of accountability too, for "of such is
the kingdom of heaven." The Philadelphian church will go, but not the
more numerous Laodicean church. Revelation 3:7-22. The wise virgins
will go, while the foolish will be left behind. 25:1-13. The wise
virgins had taken oil with their lamps. They had asked God to give
them the Holy Spirit and had been groaning in the Holy Spirit and
praying in tongues. Pray this prayer with me: "Lord Jesus, I call on
Your name. Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, the Lord
Jesus Christ. Lord I believe. Help thou mine unbelief. Save me to the
utmost. Heal me. Deliver me from all the power of Satan. Baptize me
with the Holy Ghost and fire. Make and keep me ready for Your soon
return. Amen." I would appreciate donations to my ministry of helping
the poor in my area. Please mail to: Roger Bovee, PO Box 404, Wautoma,
WI 54982. Thanks, and my prayer for you is that you will be ready for
His soon coming! See for
up to three free King James Bibles!
mathematical formulas. Jack Van Impe lately is preaching Nostradamus'
prediction that the world will end in December of 2012. But Jesus said
no one will know the day or hour. It will come as a snare on the
people of the world. Men will say "peace and safety" but sudden
destruction will come upon them. So we need to get ready and stay
ready. The Bible said in James chapter 5 that Jesus is coming to
punish the rich who have oppressed the workers and who have hoarded up
gold and silver. Outsourcing millions of jobs overseas I think is one
form of oppressing workers with their wages. The Bible said the
workman is worthy of his hire. When you oppress the poor and needy
people and the working class you are putting yourself in the position
of an enemy of God. There's a very simple cure for the problem of
being too rich, and that is to sell what you have and give it to the
poor. St Francis of Assissi did that. He was wealthy but gave all he
had to the poor and lived in poverty himself the rest of his life. The
Bible says the only way a rich person can make it to heaven is to be
ready to distribute and willing to communicate. 1 Timothy 6:17-19. The
Bible says we are to watch and pray always that we may be found worthy
to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before
the Son of Man. Luke 21:34-36. Zephaniah 2:3 says we are to seek
meekness and righteousness so we may be found worthy to be hid away in
the day of the Lord's wrath. I believe there will be a big war that
will happen very unexpectedly, and may involve the United States of
America. The Bible says the rapture will be as the days of Sodom and
Gomorrha. Sodom and Gomorrha were judged by God very unexpectedly, not
only for the sin of homosexuality, now very widespread, but also pride
and not helping the poor. Sounds luke a picture of the modern day
United States of America. But Lot and his family were escorted out by
angels just before the destruction fell. Angels of God will soon also
escort us who are ready out of here to heaven to avoid the coming
calamities. I think the poor, maimed, halt and blind will go. The
little children under the age of accountability too, for "of such is
the kingdom of heaven." The Philadelphian church will go, but not the
more numerous Laodicean church. Revelation 3:7-22. The wise virgins
will go, while the foolish will be left behind. 25:1-13. The wise
virgins had taken oil with their lamps. They had asked God to give
them the Holy Spirit and had been groaning in the Holy Spirit and
praying in tongues. Pray this prayer with me: "Lord Jesus, I call on
Your name. Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, the Lord
Jesus Christ. Lord I believe. Help thou mine unbelief. Save me to the
utmost. Heal me. Deliver me from all the power of Satan. Baptize me
with the Holy Ghost and fire. Make and keep me ready for Your soon
return. Amen." I would appreciate donations to my ministry of helping
the poor in my area. Please mail to: Roger Bovee, PO Box 404, Wautoma,
WI 54982. Thanks, and my prayer for you is that you will be ready for
His soon coming! See for
up to three free King James Bibles!