2007-07-25 15:12:16 UTC
First of all, the competition. Where do the Republicans come up with
these kind of guys? Even fellow Republican Newt Gingrich, I call him
Newt Gingrinch - the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, recently called them
"pathetic" and "pygmies." And if Gingrinch joins the race he would be
the most pathetic of all the pygmies.
Mitt Conme, or Romney, was a draft dodger and none of his five grown
sons have served in the military. Yet he's all for war. So is Rudy
Ghouliani, or Giuliani as the case may be. Giuliani's dad, Harold,
worked as an enforcer for a loan sharking operation and his favorite
tool of trade was a baseball bat. Then he was arrested for a hold up
and spent time in prison. Do a Google search under "Harold Giuliani"
and check it out for yourself if you don't believe me. Not only
Giuliani's dad but several of his uncles are said to have worked for
the Mafia. It gives a whole new meaning to the idea of family values.
Fred Thompson is another warmonger. He was described by former
president Nixon as "dumb and lazy." Also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations. Just what we need, right? Give John McCain credit
for not being a "chickenhawk," one who dodged out of fighting
themselves but is happy to send others to do the fighting for him.
John served in Vietnam and is said to not be able to raise his arms
over his head because of the torture he received there. But he is also
known to have a very unmanageable temper, maybe because of this, even
by his senate colleagues. The slightest thing will set him off into an
uncontrollable rage, his face will get beet red, and he will spew
forth a torrent of obscenities. That might do for a senator, but how
about a president with his finger on the nuclear button? I don't think
On the other hand, Ron Paul is smart. He's a medical doctor. They
don't let dummies get into medical school. He served admirably as a
doctor in the armed forces, yet he's not a warmonger. He not only
wants to get us out of Iraq, but all the 150+ countries we're now in.
This would make us a lot safer, because we'd be trying to get along
with the other countries of the world instead of bullying them. It
would also save us a lot of money, balance the budget, and strengthen
our economy. Support and vote for Ron Paul for President!
Roger Bovee is editor and publisher of Ron Paul Blog. Bookmark it and
go there whenever you want the latest information about Ron Paul and
the 2008 presidential election.
these kind of guys? Even fellow Republican Newt Gingrich, I call him
Newt Gingrinch - the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, recently called them
"pathetic" and "pygmies." And if Gingrinch joins the race he would be
the most pathetic of all the pygmies.
Mitt Conme, or Romney, was a draft dodger and none of his five grown
sons have served in the military. Yet he's all for war. So is Rudy
Ghouliani, or Giuliani as the case may be. Giuliani's dad, Harold,
worked as an enforcer for a loan sharking operation and his favorite
tool of trade was a baseball bat. Then he was arrested for a hold up
and spent time in prison. Do a Google search under "Harold Giuliani"
and check it out for yourself if you don't believe me. Not only
Giuliani's dad but several of his uncles are said to have worked for
the Mafia. It gives a whole new meaning to the idea of family values.
Fred Thompson is another warmonger. He was described by former
president Nixon as "dumb and lazy." Also a member of the Council on
Foreign Relations. Just what we need, right? Give John McCain credit
for not being a "chickenhawk," one who dodged out of fighting
themselves but is happy to send others to do the fighting for him.
John served in Vietnam and is said to not be able to raise his arms
over his head because of the torture he received there. But he is also
known to have a very unmanageable temper, maybe because of this, even
by his senate colleagues. The slightest thing will set him off into an
uncontrollable rage, his face will get beet red, and he will spew
forth a torrent of obscenities. That might do for a senator, but how
about a president with his finger on the nuclear button? I don't think
On the other hand, Ron Paul is smart. He's a medical doctor. They
don't let dummies get into medical school. He served admirably as a
doctor in the armed forces, yet he's not a warmonger. He not only
wants to get us out of Iraq, but all the 150+ countries we're now in.
This would make us a lot safer, because we'd be trying to get along
with the other countries of the world instead of bullying them. It
would also save us a lot of money, balance the budget, and strengthen
our economy. Support and vote for Ron Paul for President!
Roger Bovee is editor and publisher of Ron Paul Blog. Bookmark it and
go there whenever you want the latest information about Ron Paul and
the 2008 presidential election.