2009-03-03 22:34:46 UTC
Downing St left embarrassed after President Obama scales down first
meeting with Brown
By Benedict Brogan
Downing Street was left scrambling to avoid a diplomatic embarrassment
today after the White House ruled out a formal press conference to mark
Gordon Brown's first formal meeting with Barack Obama.
Officials denied the Prime Minister was being snubbed after it emerged
that the new president would not make himself available for the
traditional joint appearance before the White House media.
Mr Brown's aides are trying to make the best of what is a distinctly low
key visit compared to the family hospitality lavished on Tony Blair by
George Bush when they met for the first time.
Change you can believe in.
meeting with Brown
By Benedict Brogan
Downing Street was left scrambling to avoid a diplomatic embarrassment
today after the White House ruled out a formal press conference to mark
Gordon Brown's first formal meeting with Barack Obama.
Officials denied the Prime Minister was being snubbed after it emerged
that the new president would not make himself available for the
traditional joint appearance before the White House media.
Mr Brown's aides are trying to make the best of what is a distinctly low
key visit compared to the family hospitality lavished on Tony Blair by
George Bush when they met for the first time.
Change you can believe in.