2008-11-30 02:48:02 UTC
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
Pakistan? Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. See
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
Pakistan? Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. See