What Really Happened In Mumbai?
(too old to reply)
2008-11-30 02:48:02 UTC
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
Pakistan? Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. See
Hope for the Heartless
2008-11-30 06:13:00 UTC
In article
Post by RW
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Just because you haven't heard of them before doesn't mean they didn't
exist. They've been around for years and have been involved in other
attacks in India.
Post by RW
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities?
Pakistan, probably. They have ties to the ISI which supposedly had cut
them off some time back. But not before arming and training them. Like
Al-Qaeda, their roots go back to the Soviet era and they were funded by
US cold-war money.

This all goes to show what a serious mistake it is to conduct foreign
policy by means of proxy militant organizations with agendas of their
own. The job of governments is to subvert, coopt and stamp out all such
organizations. They should put a high priority on it, because they are
prone to causing all kinds of trouble up to and including drawing you
into wars you don't want to fight.
Mike Jones
2008-11-30 11:43:07 UTC
Post by RW
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic weapons,
and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this another attempt
to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could this have been
designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal cross border
attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect the opium
trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in Pakistan? Why were
several of these "terrorists" reportedly light skinned and British
citizens? I think these and other questions need to be asked about this
most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. See
*===( http://www.400monkeys.com/God/
*===( http://principiadiscordia.com/
*===( http://www.zenwalk.org/
2008-11-30 19:29:16 UTC
Post by RW
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Looks like the beliefs on OBL are more about furthering a political program
than actual construction of a safe planet. So basicly nobody knows.
Post by RW
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan?
It could be an extension of the construction regarding a worldwide
intelligence system where bridges are built to help secure the planet from
destructive radicals.

Post by RW
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
That's not all that important.Fighting opium/herointrade is a welcome
vehicle for hick politics to keep it from becoming a public health issue in
wealthy countries.

Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
Post by RW
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. See
There is a lot of speculation there. What countries can do is to disable
this misery by agreeing to work side by side to tackle financing and arms
trade to specific goups.

Post by RW
charles q
2008-12-15 04:46:52 UTC
Post by RW
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
Pakistan? Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. Seehttp://www.realjewnews.com/?p=333
charles q
2008-12-15 04:51:11 UTC
Post by RW
In my opinion this whole "War on Terror" is phoney. So every one of
these attacks we should be examining closely to try to find the truth
about what really happened and why. I think Osama bin Laden died in
2001. He was already seriously ill by that time and there is little
convincing evidence he is still alive. What is this Deccan Mujahideen?
Why does a brand new organization have hand grenades, automatic
weapons, and apparently very sophisticated capabilities? Is this
another attempt to stir up a war between India and Pakistan? Could
this have been designed to give the US an excuse for continued illegal
cross border attacks by Afghanistan based US forces, there to protect
the opium trade, which have caused numerous civilian deaths in
Pakistan? Why were several of these "terrorists" reportedly light
skinned and British citizens? I think these and other questions need
to be asked about this most recent supposed "terrorist" attack. Seehttp://www.realjewnews.com/?p=333
They want the opium trade to flourish as it gives them a lousy excuse
to have their drug czar and his crooked cronies.Not to mention giving
them access to more billios of dollars than just about any other
branch of the government.Makes you wonder where all these billions
that by the way cannot be all accounted for are going to.This is the
real clincher.Marijuana is fueling the terroist orginizations.What a
joke.It has absolutely nothing to do with them while opium on the
other hand does.As far as bi laden,well there's plenty of others that
have already taken his place and will continue to do so
