Bush Planning April 6 Sneak Attack On Iran?
(too old to reply)
2007-03-26 16:55:19 UTC
Yes, according to http://www.rense.com/general75/bite.htm. So we've
had what even Rosie O'Donnell now acknowledges as a phoney terrorist
attack on 9/11/2001 in which our government was probably largely
involved. Then use that as an excuse for a big military buildup.
Another 10%+ increase in Bush's latest 2008 budget in military
spending. War on Afghanistan because Osama bin Laden, longtime CIA
agent the government accused of doing 9/11 without ever offering any
real proof, was there. Of course CIA agent bin Laden conveniently
escaped. But now Afghanistan is producing record amounts of opium, a
billion dollar cash crop and allowing an oil pipeline through their

Then use the same 9/11 lie as an excuse to invade Iraq. Tell the
public the operation will only last a few months then we'll leave but
really be building permanent military bases there a la South Korea. At
least John McCain tells the truth that US troops are planned to be
there forever. That was the reason for the invasion. Throw away
international law. This is the New World Order. Torture is now
allowed. Throw away the Geneva Conventions and the US Constitution and
the United Nations Charter. Whatever Israel and the United States say
is now international and national law.

Whatever international law may say, the US and Israel say Iran can't
have a nuclear power industry and they might just invade them at any
time pre-emptively even without any real negotiations or anything and
try to steal their oil industry much like Iraq. And if they get away
with that then North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Venezuela,
Cuba, China, Pakistan, Russia, India, etc., will be next, any
countries that oppose this New World Order will probably be picked off
one by one.
2007-03-26 16:56:49 UTC
Bush Planning April 6 Sneak Attack On Iran?
Not any more he's not because you just blew his cover, blabber mouth.
Mike Flannigan
2007-03-26 17:55:24 UTC
Post by t***@yahoo.com
Bush Planning April 6 Sneak Attack On Iran?
Not any more he's not because you just blew his cover, blabber mouth.
Heh heh heh....
George Leroy Tyrebiter Jr
2007-03-27 05:56:26 UTC
Post by RW
Yes, according to http://www.rense.com/general75/bite.htm. So we've
had what even Rosie O'Donnell now acknowledges as a phoney terrorist
attack on 9/11/2001 in which our government was probably largely
I think that the top Bush administration figures should be arrested and
tried for a variety of things, such as starting a war of aggression
against Iraq.

But the claim that the WTC was laced with detonation devices etc is
total horse shit.
The Trucker
2007-03-31 00:46:06 UTC
Post by RW
Yes, according to http://www.rense.com/general75/bite.htm. So we've
had what even Rosie O'Donnell now acknowledges as a phoney terrorist
attack on 9/11/2001 in which our government was probably largely
I think that the top Bush administration figures should be arrested and tried
for a variety of things, such as starting a war of aggression against Iraq.
But the claim that the WTC was laced with detonation devices etc is total
horse shit.
I finally figgerd out how one can have the cake and eat it too:

If the powers that be knew that the towers were the target and that
the idea was to blow up one side of one of the towers so that it
would fall into the other and then both of them fall sideways killing
a lot of people then it might make sense to put detonation stuff in
those towers just in case.

Ask yousekf what you would do:

You see the airliner and know that it is trying to hit the tower. You
have your finger on the button that will bring down the airliner and
kill all those people and more on the ground. And that may be the
same scenario as the demolition of the towers.

Things are not always simple. I don't know what I would do in
such a situation.
"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson