Evidence US Created Big China Earthquake
(too old to reply)
2008-06-15 20:44:49 UTC
The US is known to have had HAARP technology for many years that can
modify weather and even create earthquakes. There were mysterious
colored clouds directly over ground zero of the earthquake 10-30
minutes before the earthquake that could have been caused by bouncing
radiation off the ionosphere down to China. See www.rense.com
2008-06-16 06:51:12 UTC
Post by RW
The US is known to have had HAARP technology for many years that can
modify weather and even create earthquakes. There were mysterious
colored clouds directly over ground zero of the earthquake 10-30
minutes before the earthquake that could have been caused by bouncing
radiation off the ionosphere down to China. Seewww.rense.com

I saw a video made of the colored clouds over China. The order of the
colors on the clouds was Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and
Violet. The classic rainbow colors. An unusual combination of cloud
and rainbow phenomena.

And has it at any point in your hallucinations, occurred to you that
earthquakes have been happening in China and elsewhere even before it
was called China? Waaaay before. And you quote Rense.com as a cite?

Candy West
2008-06-19 07:50:26 UTC
Post by Ron
Post by RW
The US is known to have had HAARP technology for many years that can
modify weather and even create earthquakes. There were mysterious
colored clouds directly over ground zero of the earthquake 10-30
minutes before the earthquake that could have been caused by bouncing
radiation off the ionosphere down to China. Seewww.rense.com
I saw a video made of the colored clouds over China. The order of the
colors on the clouds was Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and
Violet. The classic rainbow colors. An unusual combination of cloud
and rainbow phenomena.
And has it at any point in your hallucinations, occurred to you that
earthquakes have been happening in China and elsewhere even before it
was called China? Waaaay before. And you quote Rense.com as a cite?
2002 AW1097 entered the zodiacal constellation of Hydra. http://lulu.com/astrology
HAARP is probable but other factors influence it, and major and
apocalyptic, as Uranus enters Cetus, in 2010, not October 28th 2011,
HAARP or not HAARP, it is likely the end. 144000 survivors. Less
asinine population, less devil and 6 000 000 000 x many cubic meters
of air for the righteous.

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