Was Musharraf Behind The Assassination Of Bhutto?
(too old to reply)
2007-12-28 23:48:04 UTC
President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
oppressed people. See http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/dec2007/bhut-d28.shtml
Scruffy McScruffovitch
2007-12-29 04:26:40 UTC
Post by RW
President Musharraf of Pakistan was very quick to point the finger for
Benazir Bhutto's assassination to Islamist groups with no proof
whatsoever, and so was President Bush of the US, but Bhutto's own
allies blame Musharraf. They say the real killer was a sniper on a
nearby rooftop. Bhutto had repeatedly asked Musharraf for an armored
car for protection, but those requests were ignored. The military
elite of Pakistan had earlier hanged her father, and they hated her
party for earlier calls for insurrection from Pakistan's many poor and
oppressed people. See
My understanding is that she was riding in a bullet-proof car, but stood up
through the sunroof to wave at the crowd when she was shot.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong
enough to take away everything you have."

Thomas Jefferson