Israelis Prefer Giuliani For President
(too old to reply)
2007-03-03 16:51:36 UTC
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz says a panel of Israelis ranks Rudy
Giuliani the best of the presidential candidates from Israel's point
of view, followed by fellow Republicans Newt Gingrich and John McCain.
Why are the Israelis so pro-Republican? Because the Republican Party
is very pro-war and belligerant toward countries like Iran and Syria,
which Israel dislikes and considers potential adversaries. It also
allows millions of illegal aliens to stream across the border every
year (cheap labor for wealthy Jewish industrialists), allows free
trade agreements that send millions of American jobs overseas (same
reason), spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year, more than
all other countries of the world combined, on military because much of
this is used to benefit Israel, and cutting money for social programs
for poor and needy Americans (most Jews are neither poor nor needy).
See http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerPage.jhtml
2007-03-03 18:52:49 UTC
Post by RW
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz says a panel of Israelis ranks Rudy
Giuliani the best of the presidential candidates from Israel's point
of view, followed by fellow Republicans Newt Gingrich and John McCain.
Why are the Israelis so pro-Republican? Because the Republican Party
is very pro-war and belligerant toward countries like Iran and Syria,
which Israel dislikes and considers potential adversaries. It also
allows millions of illegal aliens to stream across the border every
year (cheap labor for wealthy Jewish industrialists), allows free
trade agreements that send millions of American jobs overseas (same
reason), spending hundreds of billions of dollars a year, more than
all other countries of the world combined, on military because much of
this is used to benefit Israel, and cutting money for social programs
for poor and needy Americans (most Jews are neither poor nor needy).
See http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/rosnerPage.jhtml
It is all about Money, the bottom line of Capitalism at work!

These fake Jews, Christians, and Muslims, are just using our Armies for
apart the Infrastructure of many Nations, while making it look like they are
trying to blow each other
apart, while the Leaders of the conflict are turning and charging others to
pay for it.

It is not about Real Religious Beliefs or Values, it is about Money.

If instead of letting them turn the whole world into a Gladiator Ring, where
else gets caught in the middle, if we were to try to save the Armies and
Infrastructure by putting these Jews, Christians, and Muslims, into our
Football Stadiums, and just give them a club and a shield to fight, they
would not fight, why?

Lets face it, Gladiator Rings like that would be a lot more humane, and save
a lot of Money for Armies and
Infrastructure, and save a lot of innocent People, and we could make Money
selling tickets to Spectators. But they would not fight in an arena, because
the reason that the Leaders are conducting these Wars, is for Land and
Money. The Politicians and Capitalists are just sugar coating their
Policies, with False Religious Values, just to make it look like they are
Fighting for a good cause.

It will only get honest Jews, Christians, and Muslims, that want nothing to
do with it, hated and killed.


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