2007-05-14 05:33:19 UTC
What I'm hearing about Mitt Romney so far isn't good. He is known in
Massachusetts as an arrogant elitist, and it is said it is now
difficult to find either jobs or Medicare in Massachusetts unless
you're so wealthy you don't need either. He is said to have largely
bought the governorship with $6.3 million of his own money four years
ago. Here's a candidate of big money, by big money, and for big money.
Massachusetts as an arrogant elitist, and it is said it is now
difficult to find either jobs or Medicare in Massachusetts unless
you're so wealthy you don't need either. He is said to have largely
bought the governorship with $6.3 million of his own money four years
ago. Here's a candidate of big money, by big money, and for big money.